
blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

The unforgivable sin.

statement: participation in a dualistic field consents to subjugation... the conditions of both sides of the duality. Request: Is this the right understanding of karma?

Brian Begin

Priority request: founder of FEARLESS. Brian helps students build levels of confidence that allow them to achieve success and connect with people. Personally his embodiment practices has helped me get out my head and helps me stay connected to what I am actually feeling.

reject condemnation (article)

Rejection and disapproval are in the level of courage, the "battleground" of keeping healthy boundaries intact. Doc calibrated disapproval at 240 in TvF. He contrasted "disapprove" with "condemn," assigning the former to "higher mind" and the latter to "ego mind."

article: order is the proper response to chaos or control

The critical point of 200 is described as the threshold between integrity and non-integrity. It can also be described as the threshold between order and chaos. Order is the over-200 version of control.

chaos vs. control (article)

The ego is an agent of chaos and the spiritualized ego is an agent of control. Yet they actually belong to the same attractor. Each is but one side of an identical, dualistic attractor field. Because they're the same field, the karma of control is chaos, and the karma of chaos is control.

ego non-reactivity

A spiritual practice in the mode of the witness.

foundational illusions, vol. 2 (9 calibrations)

More illusions confronted on the journey to enlightenment.

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" (article)

Good intentions do not lead to hell, neither do good motivations. The "tricky" part is good motivation mixed with negative intention, e.g. an initial focus on problem solving yet with the overall objective of gaining power or control.

porn as a spiritual practice

Not recommended. ADAP calibration confirms intuition that this is not a spiritual practice and may incur negative karma and deleterious outcomes consistent with the level of grief.

Jordan Peterson

Psychologist, author, and media commentator.

"The world is the theatrical stage for the comedy of the absurd"

Hawkins, from Reality, Subjectivity & Modern Man, 2008. Post includes an article with a spiritual practice at 595.

all suffering is due to resistance

How this truth illuminates the spiritual work of letting go and surrendering the world to God.

fear of missing out (FOMO)

"associated with a fear of regret, which may lead to concerns that one might miss an opportunity for social interaction, a novel experience, a memorable event, profitable investment or the comfort of those you love and who love you back" -- wikipedia.

how to stop cursing others

Agreeing with an errant thought that another being is undeserving of love, compassion, joy or peace is all it takes to implement a curse upon another person. You don't want that karma.