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The Consciousness Calibrations Database was last updated 10 hours ago.

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Tiger Woods

Request: "arguably [the] greatest golfer of all time, transcending the division of race through the game of golf."

books by Dr. Alice Miller

The Drama of the Gifted Child and other titles (see link). Priority request: she recommends not honouring the fourth commandment blindly, I.e. embracing recognising abuse from one's parents instead of honouring them at all costs. She says attachment to one's abusive parents is not love.

planned obsolescence

Priority request: "the practice of designing products to break quickly or become obsolete in the short to mid-term."

demanding attention

A hallmark of any under-200 field, demanding attention is in the nature of asserting control. Let God's attention be sufficient.

“If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”

Part of one's spiritual foundation and assuming responsibility for one's words.


Calibrated at 75 in Truth vs. Falsehood.

No More Mr. Nice Guy, by Robert A. Glover

"A proven plan for getting what you want in love, sex and life."

Nisargadatta Maharaj

The publication in 1973 of I Am That... brought him worldwide recognition and followers, especially from North America and Europe -- wikipedia. Calibrated at 720 in TvF.

James O'Keefe

Priority request. Controversial, conservative political activist and investigative journalist who founded Project Veritas to expose corruption in government and NGOs.

John Butler

“Though brought up with Christianity and familiar with it, John follows no particular teaching but speaks entirely from his own experience, using examples from nature and simple common sense.”

Sri Aurobindo

Calibrated at 605 in Truth vs. Falsehood, here are his levels as a person, a saint, a teacher and as a mystic. Priority request.


Priority request: Calibrated as 910 [awareness] in TvF. Is he enlightened by ADAP standards?

Western Lensman's Warning to America

25 Ways the US is Being Destroyed Explained in Under 2 Minutes, video on X (Twitter). Priority request.

playing for love of the game

"refers to the passion and dedication that drives individuals to pursue their craft, often without expectation of external rewards or recognition" -- brave AI.

Novak Djokovic

Has 100+ more weeks as the men's singles tennis No. 1 than any other man (Roger Federer) in ATP rankings history.