"weight of the world," literally (article)

The expression denotes the burdens of life yet refers to an actual field of consciousness.

cal. 2 (0 - 25)

The range from nonexistence (0) up to guilt (25) "resolves" at desolation. Level 2 is lower than death on the ADAP Map of Consciousness. The "weight of the world" is the ego's subjective experience of the absence of God.

The "weight of the world" may be felt at a lesser magnitude like generalized anxiety (low-grade, "background" terror) or as a high-magnitude, "soul crushing" oppressiveness, e.g. a dark night of the soul. These experiences arise according to the ego's dualistic belief in "opposites" as higher levels of consciousness are realized rather than being innate to your own consciousness.

The real you is an innocent, incorruptible witness of Creation in a position to supplicate God's blessing and heal the small self that feels the weight of the world. One's level of consciousness is thus a measure of one's management of the small self, including the capability to refute the small-self, weight-of-the-world experience as falsehood.

As the witness, you access the Infinite from perfect safety and serenity, while as the overburdened ego you feel an impotent nothingness that feels responsible for everything. The latter incurs existential panic, while the former is unfazed. The ego needs your reality check as the witness to learn it is not responsible for everything, nor is it everything (which is the positionality of the untamed ego). Ultimately, the ego is nothing, but we can compassionately aid its withdrawal from presumptive relevance. A helpful mantra is: this is for God to resolve, not the ego.

To be aware of "the weight of the world" implies a knowingness in your spiritual memory of high truths borne of karmic merit during the course of your existence. These truths can be calibrated Doc-style as "knowingness." They do not necessarily show up in the ADAP range, because ADAP measures the confluence of knowingness (or reality-testing), awareness, intention, and energy quality integrated in all dimensions. One may have high knowingness in the crown dimension, for example, and that would be sufficient to bring up "the weight of the world" illusion to the ego experiencer. I presume this is common among angels in a human body.

Feeling the weight of the world can thus be recontextualized as a consequence of high knowingness and "good karma" despite the negative experience of the ego and false conclusions drawn by the lower mind, e.g. that God has withdrawn from you or that you're being punished. The solution to the "weight of the world" experience is to console and comfort the small self with mantras or affirmations that teach it its proper place. Additionally, as a conduit for God's love, i.e. the witness, pray for God's blessing to heal the individual and collective ego.

All-dimensions, all points of observation (ADAP)

Average in all dimensions, including but not limited to the crown, 3rd eye, thymus and the heart. Additionally, all points of observation including motivation / attention / focus / awareness, capability / knowingness / reality-testing / effect, context / intention / meaning, and energy quality / experience are taken into account. Measuring with ADAP provides the highest known level of coverage for calibration.

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