
foundational illusions, vol. 2 (9 calibrations)

More illusions confronted on the journey to enlightenment.

"everyone's doing the best they can"

A self-forgiving posture that aligns with Love.

etheric brain

A Hawkins term for the capability of spiritual sensitivity and a unique, individual karma, i.e. the soul.

accommodating the spiritual ego of others

Letting them have the "win."

Gloria in Excelsis Deo

"With the expansion of knowledge to include the nonlinear nonduality of reality, it will become stunningly apparent that the most profound, radically scientific statement that is possible to make is, in fact, 'Gloria in Excelsis Deo'" -- The Eye of the I.

"don't spoil it with thinking"

As spiritual students, we know thinking is overrated, but how much so?

average level of consciousness at birth

For mankind. Plus average level of consciousness change in a lifetime.

asking for divine intervention

Priority request.

time of death is set at birth (3 calibrations)

As commonly understood by Hawkins' students.

Hara: The Vital Center of Man, by Karlfried Graf Dürckheim

"The classic text on balance, inner calm, and the cultivation of tranquillity using the age-old techniques of Zen masters" -- amazon.

divine intervention

"The mechanism for salvation is via the will, which invites the intervention of Divinity" -- Transcending the Levels of Consciousness

“Disregard every self-seeking motive as soon as it is seen..."

"...and you need not search for truth; truth will find you” -- Nisargadatta Maharaj.

Tao Te Ching

The teachings of Lao Tsu are listed at 610 in Truth vs. Falsehood. Taoism is at 500 (TvF).

doing something with the intention to build good karma

Priority request. Considering spiritual impact in your decisions.

From Suffering to Joy: The Path of the Heart

"a method of self-discovery that can help bring harmony to your life and help you build truly intimate relationships." by Prem Baba, 2013.