Spiritual Practice

rejecting identification with the experiencer

...and the experienced. Request: where will this lead?

deciding to live in Christ

Request: The same as deciding to live in truth?

contemplation: How am I aware or even know that I exist?

On page 399 in Doc's book 'I': That question is the best that can be acted upon for it leads directly and nonverbally to the ever present Reality. By request.

consciousness calibration as a lifestyle

Will this spiritual practice take you all the way?

thymic thump

Used for clearing the acupuncture system. Priority request.

envisioning you are in a bubble of love and light with shields protecting it..

...and saying Shields up. I know quite a few energy healing practitioners who use this technique and was curious how effective it is as a spiritual practice? -- Priority request.


Request: Would like to see the ADAP calibration of this breathing technique. Mainly because all yoga sessions now seem to include a Pranayama breathing practice at the end.

"Lord, you know what is best. Let this, or that, be done as you wish"

Priority request: This is a prayer I have been using lately from the Hallow app. It's short, to the point, and brings peace of mind.

level: that which teaches you can't calibrate

The negative field that rejects consciousness calibration in general and specifically casts doubt on one's own ability to produce workable results.

asking for God's grace to dissolve demons in one’s aura

From the level of Trust (of God) to Enlightenment, this spiritual practice is applicable.

statement: it is helpful to ask Doc for assistance

Request: can one gain access to Dr. Hawkins in a meaningful way now that he is passed on from the body of this lifetime? We can have a relationship of some kind with Jesus, the Christ. It is easier to picture communicating with Doc in addition to seeking a relationship with Jesus.


Calibrated in Truth vs. Falsehood at 520.

T/F: making the sign of the cross dissolves demons in one’s aura

How effective is this spiritual practice?


contemplative monastic tradition in the Eastern Christian traditions... in which stillness (hēsychia) is sought through uninterrupted Jesus prayer -- wikipedia.

decision to let go of the fear of death

Request: I’m wondering can we just choose to surrender this. “I decide to surrender the fear of death to God.” Then one sit and start to let go until fear of the physical death comes out and become surrendered.