Spiritual Practice

prayer as a mudra

The most effective form of prayer according to Dr. Hawkins. (Video was removed from YouTube).

statement: pray, relax, leave the rest to God

Request: This appears to be the essence of supplication. Easy to remember when your wondering what to do when you come across resistance or a negative field.

neti neti (not this, not that)

a Vedic analysis of negation which is used in Jnana Yoga as a path to Self-realization.

positive procrastination: a spiritual tool

Immediately halt the ego's victim mentality and involvement with suffering by saying "I'll be oppressed later, now is not a good time." Turns out, there's never a good time to feel oppressed, in spite of the ego's attachment to resentment and its predilection for suffering. In time, these fade away.


a succinct paradoxical statement or question used as a meditation discipline for novices, particularly in the [Zen] Rinzai sect -- britannica.

spiritual processing

request: allowing the content to be "worked out" by the field.

mantra: my destiny is not in my hands

Under 200 in intention (or context), one firmly believes his destiny is of his own making: the ego Edges God Out (EGO).

clean slate (spiritual practice)

request: leaving behind what you thought you knew and starting afresh.

relax and let God handle it

Request: This seems to be a powerful posture of surrender that ultimately gives over responsibility to God which allows one to finally let go and relax. It is in God's hands so you can relax in that certainty.

"The Work" by Byron Katie

Calibration of this method of self-inquiry.

praying before a meal

By request.

prayer: may all be healed in me and through me by thy energy, O Lord

In this case, "me" is a non-dualistic expression of oneness which comprehends no spiritual separation between forms and bodies.

mantra: this is for God to resolve, not the ego (article)

A spiritual practice to realize a higher energy that preemptively resolves problems at any level.

choosing to not have an opinion about something

Priority request: This seems to be an effective approach to non-involvement. It is especially useful for things which one viewed negatively, because loving that thing or even just holding it positively can seem like too big of a jump... makes it easier to just drop the... juicing of it.

Being Aware of Being Aware, by Rupert Spira

"The knowing of our being—or rather, awareness’s knowing of its own being in us—is our primary, fundamental and most intimate experience."