Spiritual Practice

"surrender it to God, and hope for the best"

request: sometimes when surrendering something to God, we might be expecting a negative outcome. But maybe it's helpful to mindful of one's expectations, and perhaps, they too, can be surrendered to God

Adam Krasowski workshops

Polish self-help workshops in the context of Dr. Hawkins' work: "Freeing blockades and mind restrictions and false beliefs (programs) i.e. the Development of Consciousness and Transformation"

"I will not punish myself for this"

Request: This thought has helped me a lot lately when I felt guilt about something. I became aware how guilt deprives me from physical energy, this helped me regain it. Sometimes I complete the sentence: "I will not punish myself for consuming sugar / smoking / being assertive / etc."

How Does One Realize Samadhi (video)

A video on YouTube that calibrates at 585. Video embedded.

T/F: testing one's calibration on a daily basis can do more harm than good

Is too much of a spiritual practice harmful?

writing as a spiritual practice

Request: With surrender, writing becomes a means of research, a source of new understanding for both the reader and the writer... Writing becomes a gift; it becomes service for the sake of service.

breatharianism or pranic living

to live on sunlight, the source of prana, which is considered the life force by Hindu philosophy -- yogapedia.com

"I see only the past" (spiritual practice)

From ACIM Workbook lesson 7.

T/F: Dr. Hew Len cured a ward of mentally ill patients by ho'oponopono

A calibration of 200 or more would suggest at least one patient was partially cured. A calibration over 400 would suggest the full extent of the statement. The level of the calibration speaks to the degree of truth.

statement: I will be as God knows me

Request: I guess, maybe, in a sense it is an illusion to be something you are not. I tried calibrating “this is how God knows me” for different memories and attitudes, and I got “no” for so much of it. But for the spirited, that which feels close to my heart, it was a big “YES”

surrendering to "what will be will be"

Priority request: I found saying this to myself to be comforting and helpful in dealing with desire, anxiety, and fear of the future not going the way I want it to.

Love the small self, surrender the ego

Priority request: A statement that summarizes spiritual work and lifts the paradox of surrender/letting go vs. love and also the paradox of 'me' as divinity vs. 'me' as the ego. As Doc taught we ought to let go of attachments, and keep love as an alignment.

contemplation: I

Request: Just holding in mind “I”. Nothing extra

pathway of relaxation

Just taking it easy, not needing life to be an action movie. Effortlessly drawn to your destiny, spiritually speaking.

kindness towards all of life, in all its expressions

request: I think Dr. Hawkins once mentioned that this was all you had to do, in order to get enlightened