Spiritual Practice

doing something you're afraid of as a spiritual practice

Request: After walking through fear, we find that we are safe. Doing this as a spiritual practice may help us surrender our fears and experience life with more ease and joy.

the law of reverse effect

Aldous Huxley first described the ‘Law of Reverse Effect,’ saying that “The harder we try with the conscious will to do something, the less we shall succeed.” So, could it really be that when we stop consciously trying to succeed, we increase our chances of success?

"Simple kindness to one’s self and all that lives is the most powerful transformational force of all..."

request: Quote from Power vs. Force

prithvi mudra

a symbolic hand gesture or ‘seal’ used in yoga and Ayurveda to promote healing and spiritual balance within the body -- yogapedia

writing puts you into context

Doc taught one should become the context.

statement: the only thing I can do is surrender it to God

Level of this spiritual posture.

Life Between Lives hypnotherapy

Request: An evolution of past life regression, this hypnotherapy examines your experience between incarnations. Is this beneficial or more akin to experiencing the astral realms?

To not identify with your mind’s story of your life

A point of observation approaching the witness at 600.

May all beings be happy (prayer)

The prayer emphasizes the importance of removing the causes of suffering and remaining in a state of equanimity -- padmasambhava.org

Christ’s initials mudra

The gesture of blessing is often seen in Orthodox iconography. It is a special finger fold used by the priests during the liturgy. The “IC ХC” hand gesture has its name for a reason – each finger is associated with a Greek alphabet letter -- russianicon.com

Hawkins' mudra

Fingers interlocked as in prayer with index fingers extended and touching. See image.

Gyan mudra

The thumb represents supreme consciousness or Brahman, whilst the index finger represents the practitioner's individual soul, Atman -- yogapedia

Abhaya mudra

This mudra can be called upon as a means of overcoming fears or phobias, and to provide a sense of internal protection -- yogapedia

Dhyana mudra

Calibration and illustration

living and breathing, as a spiritual practice

request: I've found this helpful when I get too stuck in my head