
mantra: everything is for me

By request.

mantra: I forgive myself for everything

Request: I said this in a moment of tiredness of guilt and suffering.

mantra: my life is ruled by order and harmony

Request: suggested by Doc.

mantra: I dwell in perfect pleasure

For stress, aches and pains. Hold "perfect pleasure" as an actuality, not theoretically. It's already there, present and available. Your job is to be aware of resistance to it, then let the reality of perfect pleasure process it out.

I am not. God is: a contemplation

Negations of the ego plus affirmations of God's eminence for each dimension. A 585 spiritual practice to handle everything.

mantra: I love everyone and everyone loves me

A source of self-esteem.

mantra: I believe I am perfect in Christ

Jesus' grace makes me perfect in Him.

mantra: I seek not to judge but to understand with compassion and forgiveness

Request: A mantra I do often when driving, it seems to help.

mantra: I let in the Holy Spirit

request: helpful to get over “insurmountable” obstacles.

"I surrender to the Infinite Silence of God"

Calibration of this mantra.

mantra: my worth is established by God

Priority request: as an antidote to any thoughts or feelings of unworthiness.

"soli Deo gloria"

a Latin term for Glory to God alone... As a doctrine, it means that everything is done for God's glory to the exclusion of mankind's self-glorification and pride. Christians are to be motivated and inspired by God's glory and not their own -- wikipedia.

mantra: I am loving Awareness

Request: Ram Dass' famous spiritual practice.

mantra: asato mā sadgamaya, tamaso mā jyotirgamaya, mṛtyormā'mṛtaṃ gamaya

From falsehood lead me to truth, From darkness lead me to light, From death lead me to immortality.

mantra: truth will correct all errors in my mind

Request: I'm repeating this ACIM 107 lesson instead of moving on to lesson 108, after testing positive for "It's for the highest good to practice this lesson again today."