
mantra: Thy will be done

Asking that God’s will be done is a demonstration of our trust that He knows what is best. It is a statement of submission to God’s ways and His plans. We ask for our will to be conformed to His --

mantra: I am not alone

Works out to be intellectual assurance: true but omits God's divine Love, as "alone" (or its negation) is meaningless over 500.

mantra: I am as God created me

Request: ACIM Lessons #94 and #110. "For this one thought would be enough to save you and the world, if you believed that it is true."

mantra: there is nothing wrong with me

Priority request: this could help ease those of us who are always trying to fix ourselves, turning ourselves into a problem that needs to be solved instead of... watching life unfold. It could also help to stop self scrutinizing, a spiritual ego habit. I found an increase in self esteem with this.

mantra: thank you, God

Request: This one makes me feel very very abundant and at peace.

mantra: I trust you, God

Request: This gives me peace.

mantra: I am worthy of all

request: might be helpful for unrooting unworthiness

mantra: everything is for me

By request.

mantra: not my problem, spiritually speaking

Whereas "not my problem" sounds on its face potentially dismissive of intrinsic responsibility, in a spiritual context it is profoundly true. God is responsible, and our involvement with perceptual problems by resistance or attraction of belief is essentially a waste of time.

mantra: I have no beliefs

To be liberated from beliefs is to be liberated from the ego. This mantra supports declining or refusing the attraction of beliefs which manipulates your energy level and experience.

motto: “who dares wins”

The motto has been used by twelve elite special forces units around the world that in some way have historical ties to the British SAS --wikipedia

mantra: I dwell in perfect pleasure

For stress, aches and pains. Hold "perfect pleasure" as an actuality, not theoretically. It's already there, present and available. Your job is to be aware of resistance to it, then let the reality of perfect pleasure process it out.

mantra: I accept my power (O Lord)

God grants each of us power, according to one's level of consciousness. A lot of us refuse power that is innate to us, thinking power is immoral. Others take power that is not earned, because they are immoral.

mantra: I dwell in the love of God

Setting aside the mind and all its mentalizations.

mantra: peace be with you

A very high, spiritual posture.