Negations of the ego plus affirmations of God's eminence for each dimension. A 585 spiritual practice to handle everything.
mantra: I love everyone and everyone loves me
A source of self-esteem.
mantra: I believe I am perfect in Christ
Jesus' grace makes me perfect in Him.
mantra: I seek not to judge but to understand with compassion and forgiveness
Request: A mantra I do often when driving, it seems to help.
mantra: I let in the Holy Spirit
request: helpful to get over “insurmountable” obstacles.
"I surrender to the Infinite Silence of God"
Calibration of this mantra.
mantra: my worth is established by God
Priority request: as an antidote to any thoughts or feelings of unworthiness.
"soli Deo gloria"
a Latin term for Glory to God alone... As a doctrine, it means that everything is done for God's glory to the exclusion of mankind's self-glorification and pride. Christians are to be motivated and inspired by God's glory and not their own -- wikipedia.
From falsehood lead me to truth, From darkness lead me to light, From death lead me to immortality.
mantra: truth will correct all errors in my mind
Request: I'm repeating this ACIM 107 lesson instead of moving on to lesson 108, after testing positive for "It's for the highest good to practice this lesson again today."
mantra: I let God judge for me…
Priority request: Anytime there is a judgmental thought arising.
mantra: I believe Lord... help my unbelief
Priority request: recommended by Jonathan Roumie of The Chosen in an interview with Russell Brand which aired on June 28, 2024.
mantra: serenity now!
Introduced in the sitcom Seinfeld, Frank Costanza was probably doing the mantra at the low end of the range. Priority request.
mantra: I dwell in the love of God
Setting aside the mind and all its mentalizations.