...And all the men and women merely players / They have their exits and their entrances / And one man in his time plays many parts --Shakespeare's "As You Like It"
historic recurrence (concept)
i.e. "history always repeats itself"
Russia Not Yet Defeated (article)
"Sure, the initial Russian invasion last year was defeated by Ukraine. Sadly, however, Russia has not yet been defeated—and it does not appear to be on the brink of defeat, no matter what the propaganda in the West says."
supplication is egoless, cal. 595
With this high calibration, we see the nature of supplication; we see the ego is not doing it.
The scientific case against face masks (article)
"the highest-quality scientific studies, randomised controlled trials (RCTs), show... that masks make little to no difference in controlling spread of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, or RSV" --unherd.com
you can't resolve a negative field: do this instead
The ego in its hubris believes it can resolve a negative field. Yes, you may talk someone out of their involvement with a negative field, but this is not the same as trying to resolve negativity itself.
guilt is ruining your energy
And so are shame and apathy. The profound falsehoods of these negative fields refuse life, experiencing and the small self, leading to depression, self-punishment and misery. Decide not to be a victim of the spiritual ego.
A Calibrator's Journey
Answer to a question posed in the Consciousness Calibrations Community.
Nobel Minds 2022
The 2022 laureates in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine and economic sciences talk to Zeinab Badawi and students in the audience at the Royal Palace in Stockholm about their discoveries and achievements, and how these might find a practical application --YouTube
conduiting: a spiritual practice
conduiting is distinguished from meditation by the addition of awareness of intention, which is "where" the conduit leads
*DECIDE* to have higher energy
Higher (more) energy is a decision of the spiritual will which is different from intention.
Why the spiritual ego thinks low energy is a good idea
The ego seeks high energy without principle, while the spiritual ego seeks high principle without energy...
quality: I don't give a f***
It can be an attachment, but for spiritual students, it is a detachment inasmuch as it is forces responsibility, caring, and scrupulousness.
statement: the meaning of life is life itself
Calibration of statement and related article on Psychology Today.