World Politics

Leaders of the countries of the world and global issues.

European Commission

"the executive branch of the European Union, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the EU treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the EU." --wikipedia

Alliance 90/The Greens

German political party

European People's Party

"political party with Christian-democratic, conservative and liberal-conservative member parties. A transnational organisation, it is composed of other political parties." --wikipedia

Greta Thunberg

Activist opposed to climate change.

World Bank, IMF

Each was founded in 1944.

Anders Tegnell

As Sweden's state epidemiologist (not personal)

Angela Merkel

German leader [paid-subscriber access]

Princess Diana

Social impact

Chinese government

In a country over LoC 300, this government is counter-productive and out of touch.

Queen Elizabeth II

Monarch since age 25, Queen Elizabeth II died at age 96. She was served by 15 British prime ministers and met with 13 U.S. presidents

Failed leadership

Five calibrations


Britain's leaving the European Union.