Self-help author, motivational speaker and entrepreneur. He is the author of the web site and the book Personal Development for Smart People -- wikipedia
Priority request. Hindu Vedic sage (c. 700 BCE) who proposes and debates metaphysical questions about the nature of existence, consciousness and impermanence, and expounds the epistemic doctrine of neti neti ("not this, not this") to discover the universal Self and Ātman.-- wikpedia
Sadhu Sundar Singh
Christian mystic who wrote eight books between 1922 and 1929. His manuscripts were written in Urdu, and later translated into English and other languages -- wikipedia.
Bede Griffiths
Request: A Christian Hindu monk. He is known for bringing a marriage between spirituality in the West and East. His teachings go beyond religion and talk about the universal spirituality.
Alubomulle Sumanasara
a Buddhist monk schooled in the Theravada tradition, has written more than one hundred books addressing the practical application of Buddhist thought and practice to daily life --
Nargis Alegria (spiritual teacher)
Request: claims to be liberated... posts a lot online about feminine and masculine energies, liberation, new earth, breatherianism etc... Just wondering if her pathway and similar ones are to be followed or not. It’s very hard to tell for me.
Ilchi Lee
Priority request: an author and educator who helps people use the full potential of the brain. He developed Brain Education, a mind-body training method that helps each person create their own health, happiness, and peace.
Sylvia Salow
"a soul healer, activator, and author. Her mission is to help you remember your original self and move upward along the ascension spiral." Priority request.
Bree Melanson
Priority request. "Bree’s innovative processes come from her direct experience getting people ‘unstuck’ as an intuitive and energy worker for over 10 years and the insight she’s received as a channel" --
Mohammad Ali Taheri
Priority request. Alternative medicine practitioner and cognitive researcher who is the founder of Erfan-e-Halgheh, also called Interuniversal Mysticism, a version of Iranian mysticism Irfan -- wikipedia
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Founder of the Hare Krishna movement. Priority request.
Gerald Jampolsky
"His numerous books introduced the [ACIM] Course to countless would-be students. As Founder of the Center for Attitudinal Healing, he spread the awareness of the Course worldwide."
Joseph Prince
evangelist and the senior pastor of New Creation Church, which is based in Singapore -- wikipedia
Roberta Grimes
Priority request: I was a regular reader of Roberta’s blog earlier in my spiritual journey. She seems sincere and very dedicated. But I now have mixed feelings about her work. One of her books is calibrated in the database. Just curious about her personal AD calibration.
Swami Rama
Request: Spiritual Teacher and Founder of the Himalayan Institute in Pennsylvania. Was known for being scientifically studied in the mid/late 1900’s for his abilities to control non-voluntary aspects of the body.