
Leo Gura

"My style of personal development emphasizes: integrating hundreds of diverse perspectives, very big picture understanding, existential investigation, and pragmatism. My aim is to understand life at the deepest levels possible."

Frank Yang

Request: a youtuber who claims to be fully enlightened and teaches others on meditation and spiritual practices.

Joel Osteen

Megachurch pastor calibrated as a spiritual teacher.

Neville Goddard

New Thought teacher who didn't charge for his lectures, calibrated as a spiritual teacher.

Francis Lucille

Francis’ teachings reflect those of his guru: appreciation for humor, art, music, and poetry, intellectual rigor with a “personal” twist due to his training in Mathematics and Physics, emphasis on the body and its feelings -- francislucille.

Chögyam Trungpa

a preeminent teacher of Tibetan Buddhism, Chogyam Trungpa was a major figure in the dissemination of Buddhism in the West, founding Vajradhatu and Naropa University and establishing the Shambhala Training method -- wikipedia.

work of Jordan Maxwell (esoteric researcher)

"His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies continues to create enthusiastic responses from audiences around the world." Priority request.

Ra Uru Hu (Alan Krakower)

"claimed that he developed the Human Design system following a mystical experience in 1987" -- wikipedia.

Amma, the Hugging Saint

Mata Amritanandamayi calibrated as a spiritual teacher and for social impact

Ken Wilber

"internationally renowned philosopher and mystic who has developed an integral theory embracing the truths of all the world's great spiritual, scientific, and philosophical traditions" -- integrallife.com.

Adam Krasowski

Request: For 13 years he has been a spiritual teacher in Poland. He trains thousands of people. He teaches the Teachings of David Hawkins.

Mantak Chia

creator of the Healing Tao, Tao Yoga, Universal Healing Tao System, and Tao Garden Health Spa & Resort -- wikipedia.

Hale Dwoskin

Affiliated with the Sedona Method and The Secret.

Great White Brotherhood

Priority request: An order of people out there with some bold claims. They claim to be in service to God and humanity. One came to me in a time of great emotional strife, and I'm wondering if I'm being sent the assistance I've been praying for, or if I'm being preyed upon.

Osho / Rajneesh

He was viewed as a controversial new religious movement leader during his life. He rejected institutional religions... In expressing a more progressive attitude to sexuality he caused controversy in India during the late 1960s and became known as "the sex guru" -- wikipedia