Spiritual Practice

watching movies below 200 to surrender judgements

Request: I'm curious about the intention of doing this as a way to release negative judgements or projections we have about lower levels of consciousness. Maybe it is an effective way to tame the spiritual ego too?

healthy boundaries

Part of integrity, whether for a person or a country.

leaving all behind (spiritual practice)

request: just leaving. All obligations, relationships etc.

awareness of being aware (spiritual practice)

Request: Main teaching of Rupert Spira.

chanting something highly calibrating to cope with / distract from unpleasant thoughts and feelings

Priority request: Is chanting in this way a spiritual bypass? Is it a healthy way to redirect oneself?

sending loving thoughts to people

Request: I been doing that recently and feels really warm doing so. I wanted to know if these loving thoughts really do make a difference. Especially towards those who we perceive to "hurt" us. I wonder if this is a legitimate spiritual practice?


"the act of remaining in a silent and calm state for a period of time" -- collinsdictionary.

The Power of Intention, by Wayne Dyer

Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way.

ego non-reactivity

A spiritual practice in the mode of the witness.

Hare Krishna mantra

Hare Rāma Hare Rāma / Rāma Rāma Hare Hare / Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa / Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare


Compare with and without spiritual intention. Intention makes a huge difference.

porn as a spiritual practice

Not recommended. ADAP calibration confirms intuition that this is not a spiritual practice and may incur negative karma and deleterious outcomes consistent with the level of grief.

sacred tobacco (rapé)

Request: From the Amazon, gaining popularity around Europe. With so many spiritual seekers using this and calling it 'medicine', I'm curious about its LoC ?

napping as a spiritual practice

Request: Hawkins mentions that napping is helpful when letting go of hunger. Can napping be helpful in the letting go process in general or as a spiritual practice? I have used it for prayer by listening to meditative or spiritual music and have had profound dreams at times.

crying as a spiritual practice

Request: Letting yourself cry can feel wonderful. Let it all out!