Spiritual Practice

non-interference (as a virtue)

By request: “Not to be confused with apathy.”

surrendering to God the ego's conviction it is the source of life

Evidently the pivotal divestiture of the small self at the gateway to illumination and nonduality.

dopamine fasting

"a form of digital detox, involving temporarily abstaining from addictive technologies such as social media, listening to music on technological platforms, and Internet gaming, and can be extended to temporary deprivation of social interaction and eating." --wikipedia

repeating “I AM” thought consciously

Calibration of this mantra, by request.

Swami Ramdev (YouTube channel)

1,231,276,465 views. Indian language yoga instruction

centering prayer

"a method of meditation used by Christians placing a strong emphasis on interior silence... The name was taken from Thomas Merton's description of contemplative prayer (a much older and more traditional practice) as prayer that is 'centered entirely on the presence of God'." --wikipedia


Alejandro Jodorowsky's shamanic psychotherapy dealing with emotional trauma

'humor' as a pathway to God

Humor in the recognition and contrast of two very different points of view is rooted in the power of subjectivity.

refusing self-referential thought

by request: "It seems to go hand in hand with pulling attention away from the small self."

The Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the Transmission of Mind

by Huang Po, John Blofeld (Translator), P'ei Hsiu (Preface)

The Great Invocation

A 1945 prayer from Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul, text included

The Bright Path

"It moves us beyond the drama and conflict of the ego-mind into the unlimited potential of human existence, and a living experience of the Unity of all things." --thebrightpath.com

testing for permission to calibrate

to state: "In the name of the highest good I have permission (serves the highest good) to ask about what I am holding in mind". --by request

“stay with holy company”

"It is important to realize it is not just a literal wording of teachings but also the entire energy field of a teacher or organization that has a subtle, unseen field effect upon students"

white tantric yoga

"an ancient group meditation practice that can help you release deep subconscious blocks and heal your body and soul" --yogajournal.com