Spiritual Practice


"in Buddhism, strictly, the practice of sexual chastity; more generally, the term denotes the endeavour by monks and nuns as well as lay devotees to live a moral life as a way to end suffering and to reach enlightenment." --wikipedia

seeing the beauty in human nature

...for "all the instincts, the shame, the guilt, the spiritual ego etc." by request.

Overcome self doubt the easy way

How to overcome "a feeling of doubt or uncertainty about one's abilities, actions, etc."

Gayatri Mantra

The Rig Veda, source of this mantra, is at 705, according to TvF.

Self-Talk Plus

"The more your brain receives the right, repeated messages, the more you wire your brain to succeed. Listening to self-talk rewires your brain."

Disassociate suffering and pain

In this video clip, Dr. Hawkins discusses breathing up energy in the body, weight loss, and making a distinction between suffering and pain.


by request: "A spiritual fellowship offering online spiritual teachings & meditations. It is based on principles of Himalayan Yoga"

Open Heart Meditation™

"Closing your eyes and relaxing. Smiling to your heart. And just enjoying."

Past life regression

"uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations." --wikipedia

pure worship

A posture of complete surrender

surrendering to God the ego's conviction it is the source of life

Evidently the pivotal divestiture of the small self at the gateway to illumination and nonduality.

repeating “I AM” thought consciously

Calibration of this mantra, by request.

Swami Ramdev (YouTube channel)

1,231,276,465 views. Indian language yoga instruction

centering prayer

"a method of meditation used by Christians placing a strong emphasis on interior silence... The name was taken from Thomas Merton's description of contemplative prayer (a much older and more traditional practice) as prayer that is 'centered entirely on the presence of God'." --wikipedia


Alejandro Jodorowsky's shamanic psychotherapy dealing with emotional trauma