request: seems to take one out of the polarities characteristic of the lower astral
mantra: control is boring
request: I've found that in trying to control my inner world it's become kinda dry and stale. Yikes!
mantra: I love myself
Energy potential of this mantra and of "everyone loves me."
"Q: What prayers are useful?"
Excerpt from "The Eye of the I"
request: talking to trees as a spiritual practice
affirming their beauty, stability, contribution to life, etc. an extension of “goodwill towards all of life in all its expressions.” --request
Let go of negativity about negativity
A discussion on holding negativity in the context of fear, grief, apathy, guilt or shame.
12 Step Prayers: 10 Minute Guided Meditation with Music
Carol Wilke gently guides us through the 12 step prayers (Alcoholics Anonymous or "AA") in this 10 minute guided meditation with beautiful music by Kent Rautenstraus. This spiritual practice is intended to support the recovery of those with any kind of addiction --youtube
The Letting Go Guided Journal
This guided, interactive journal, drawing wisdom from the classic, best-selling book by David Hawkins, is designed to help readers release negativity and find emotional healing
using Letting Go with Law of Attraction
Can these paradigms mix? Letting Go is in the high 500s, while LOA seems to be motivated by pride.
Dream machine (hypnosis device)
It is meant to be looked at through closed eyelids, upon which moving yantra-like mandala visual patterns emerge, and an alpha wave mental state is induced --see
Muse meditation device
a multi-sensor meditation device that provides real-time feedback on your brain activity, heart rate, breathing, and body movements to help you build a consistent meditation practice
take a look in the mirror
"To consider, realize, or admit one's own failing or culpability in relation to some issue." --
the level of your writing indicates your destiny
Compared with "the level of your writing indicates your level of consciousness."
"The worst-case scenario technique" by David R. Hawkins
Request: Fear tends to come up only when conditions trigger it, so it would be helpful to let go of fear when one chooses consciously to do without external triggers
mudras for chakras
Request: Do these really do anything? They are everywhere online. The idea is holding these hand positions during meditation can stimulate/open certain chakras.