Spiritual Practice

level: that which teaches you can't calibrate

The negative field that rejects consciousness calibration in general and specifically casts doubt on one's own ability to produce workable results.

asking for God's grace to dissolve demons in one’s aura

From the level of Trust (of God) to Enlightenment, this spiritual practice is applicable.

statement: it is helpful to ask Doc for assistance

Request: can one gain access to Dr. Hawkins in a meaningful way now that he is passed on from the body of this lifetime? We can have a relationship of some kind with Jesus, the Christ. It is easier to picture communicating with Doc in addition to seeking a relationship with Jesus.


Calibrated in Truth vs. Falsehood at 520.

T/F: making the sign of the cross dissolves demons in one’s aura

How effective is this spiritual practice?


contemplative monastic tradition in the Eastern Christian traditions... in which stillness (hēsychia) is sought through uninterrupted Jesus prayer -- wikipedia.

decision to let go of the fear of death

Request: I’m wondering can we just choose to surrender this. “I decide to surrender the fear of death to God.” Then one sit and start to let go until fear of the physical death comes out and become surrendered.

praying without knowing what for

Priority request: Sometimes one has an understanding about the need for a Higher Power, but doesn't see the root of the problem, and doesn't know it's supposed solution. So one just prays.

correlation between prayer and level of consciousness

Request: There seems to be a relationship between prayer and awareness. From a linear perspective, it feels like asking to hear for a specific thing makes you more likely to listen for it.

treating life as though watching a movie

Priority request: a good approach to non-involvement and letting go of attachment to outcomes. When we watch a movie, we are just interested in what is happening now, perfectly ok with not knowing what happens next. It also seems to put one into context as the witness.

keeping physical copies of Doc’s books increases the energy of your home

By request.

transfer of merit (Buddhism)

"a standard part of Buddhist spiritual discipline where the practitioner's merit, resulting from good deeds, is transferred to deceased relatives, to deities, or to all sentient beings" – wikipedia.

non-involvement with all concepts as a spiritual practice

Request: Quote attributed to Huang Po saying "To make use of your minds to think conceptually is to leave the substance and attach yourselves to form. Awake only to the One Mind, and there is nothing whatsoever to be attained."

wanting for others the same things you want for yourself

Priority request: I thought this might be a constructive heart alignment for those of us who are already doing pretty good with self love. By "the same things" I don't necessarily mean only physical stuff although it certainly includes that. I also mean positive emotions, connection with God, etc.

asking "Do I still believe my thoughts?" (spiritual practice)

Request: Suggested by my teacher. Serves as a great anchor for me.