Spiritual Practice

"You don't ever have to forgive me"

Priority request: Basically forgiving someone's inability to forgive you for something. Relieving them of the sense of obligation of having to forgive you.

"It is because of my innate innocence that I can be exploited and made to feel guilty"

Priority request: Having an unwavering posture and stating this firmly usually handles the field of guilt quite effectively for me.

contemplation: what is it that is aligned (with a higher power)?

Request: A long time student of Doc asked me this once when I came to him with a question.

"to walk straight ahead no matter what" (Zen saying)

"Within the context of one's dedication to spiritual truth" -- by request.

counting one’s blessings

To reflect on the good things in one's life and be grateful for them -- idioms.thefreedictionary.com.

transcribing Doc lectures as a spiritual practice

Request: Typing out the things that Doc has said in his lectures. Sentence by sentence. Something I wanted to do before and now the idea came back into my mind. Is it worth doing as a spiritual practice?

mantra: I am in Christ, and Christ is in me

Priority request: a shortened form of John 14:20, that has brought much relief.

art as a spiritual practice

Request: How much does making art, drawing, painting, etc.. effect our soul and consciousness? Many say that art is a good way to evolve mentally, emotionally, and in a way spiritually as well (depending on the school of thought of course).

"I let Christ let go for me"

Request: I've found this helpful to deal with stuff I wasn't really able to let go of on my own.

walking as contemplation

Many geniuses were known for taking long walks during the day. So there must be something to it, I think -- by request.

asking for a miracle, then forgetting about it

Priority request: In the linked video, Doc encourages us to tell God "I of myself am unable to do this, and I ask for a miracle" then to completely forget about it.

mantra: I accept my Holiness

ACIM Workbook, lesson 285. Request: Maybe for use with conduiting to the "where" since much anguish cleared the instant after stating this.

level of capability to calibrate yourself accurately

One's capability to calibrate can itself be calibrated, and some topics require a higher capability than others.

screaming, as a spiritual practice

Request: Wondering if screaming at the top of my lungs helps to dissolve anger?

God box

Writing a worry / concern / desire / situation / issue on a slip of paper, and putting it into a box, and saying Dear Lord, I turn this over to thee -- request.