
correlation between wealth and happiness

Request: Is there any?

The Golden Key, by Emmet Fox

It contains just one central thought: “Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead.”

"Every intervention, every method, every technique is really just as good as the individual who is using them"

Priority request: as stated by Viktor Frankl.

The Seven Day Mental Diet, by Emmet Fox

"throwing out all negativity and thinking only positive thoughts because, as he says, thoughts are things, or they become things. And if you believe that, it follows that everything in your life today is based on past thoughts you had at some point" -- goodreads

The Magic of Believing, by Claude M. Bristol

"Harness the unlimited power of the subconscious mind and make your dreams come true / Protect your thoughts and turn them into achievements / Use "the law of suggestion" to step up your effectiveness in everything you do / Apply the power of your imagination to overcome obstacles" -- goodreads.

Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity, by Peter Attia

Priority request. "A groundbreaking manifesto on living better and longer that challenges the conventional medical thinking on aging and reveals a new approach to preventing chronic disease and extending long-term health, from a visionary physician and leading longevity expert" -- amazon.

How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie

Over 30 million copies have been sold worldwide, making it one of the best-selling books of all time -- wikipedia.

physical exercise as a spiritual practice

A way of honoring the correlation of the physical and the spiritual.

meditation for self-acceptance

By request. "This short guided meditation practice will help acknowledge and accept who you are, and become comfortable with your inner self" -- video.

Calm meditation app

"Our app puts the tools to feel better in your back pocket, with personalized content to manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep, and feel more present in your life. Relax your mind, and wake up as the person you want to be."

saving money for retirement

Priority request: Practical common sense? Or is it trying to control the future?

relationship closure (concept)

Request: Is it positive or negative for you? Popular psychology claims its positive; in-depth studies claim otherwise.

Request: A large collection of free-to-access articles offering spiritual guidance on a broad list of topics.


Priority request: Children who are raised to believe that their feelings aren't significant learn to live through other people's emotions, leading to codependent behavior... Some estimates suggest that over 90 percent of the American population demonstrates codependent behavior.

The Space Between: The Point of Connection, by Harville Hendrix

"It is in understanding that there is a Space Between two people, and how those two people learn to care for the Space Between determines the quality of their relationship. And the quality of their relationship determines the quality of their lives"