
cultivating an aesthetic physical appearance

Request: some view it as vain.

meditation for self-acceptance

By request. "This short guided meditation practice will help acknowledge and accept who you are, and become comfortable with your inner self" -- video.

Calm meditation app

"Our app puts the tools to feel better in your back pocket, with personalized content to manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep, and feel more present in your life. Relax your mind, and wake up as the person you want to be."

honest mistake

Request: a mistake made unintentionally or unknowingly and without the intention of causing harm; a mistake that anyone might have made in similar circumstances.

saving money for retirement

Priority request: Practical common sense? Or is it trying to control the future?

relationship closure (concept)

Request: Is it positive or negative for you? Popular psychology claims its positive; in-depth studies claim otherwise.

Request: A large collection of free-to-access articles offering spiritual guidance on a broad list of topics.


Priority request: Children who are raised to believe that their feelings aren't significant learn to live through other people's emotions, leading to codependent behavior... Some estimates suggest that over 90 percent of the American population demonstrates codependent behavior.

The Space Between: The Point of Connection, by Harville Hendrix

"It is in understanding that there is a Space Between two people, and how those two people learn to care for the Space Between determines the quality of their relationship. And the quality of their relationship determines the quality of their lives"

"Whatever my defects or imperfections, I accept myself unreservedly and completely"

Request: It's from Nathaniel Branden's book "Six Pillars of Self Esteem". He advises one to look in the mirror and say this to themselves very slowly in order to improve self esteem.

statement: loving others is no substitute for loving yourself

Loving others is heart-based, while loving yourself is thymus-based. As the heart dimension is nested within the thymus dimension, loving others serves the highest good only in the context of loving yourself. (The highest good includes you!)

gambling addiction

Priority request: Something I struggle with. Maybe people here have friends and family members who also struggle, and thus this could bring understanding to the problem.

The Nature Fix, by Florence Williams

Priority request. "Williams investigates the science at the confluence of environment, mood, health, and creativity. Delving into completely new research, she uncovers the powers of the natural world to improve health, promote reflection and innovation, and ultimately strengthen our relationships"

therapeutic journaling

Priority request. An "internal process of using the written word to express the full range of emotions, reactions and perceptions we have related to difficult, upsetting, or traumatic life events" -- see PDF

Opening Up by Writing It Down, by James W. Pennebaker

"Expressing painful emotions is hard--yet it can actually improve our mental and physical health" -- amazon