
statement: loving others is no substitute for loving yourself

Loving others is heart-based, while loving yourself is thymus-based. As the heart dimension is nested within the thymus dimension, loving others serves the highest good only in the context of loving yourself. (The highest good includes you!)

positive procrastination: a spiritual tool

Immediately halt the ego's victim mentality and involvement with suffering by saying "I'll be oppressed later, now is not a good time." Turns out, there's never a good time to feel oppressed, in spite of the ego's attachment to resentment and its predilection for suffering. In time, these fade away.

cultivating an aesthetic physical appearance

Request: some view it as vain.

childhood trauma

these might include neglect, abandonment, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and physical abuse, witnessing abuse of a sibling or parent, or having a mentally ill parent -- wikipedia.

honest mistake

Request: a mistake made unintentionally or unknowingly and without the intention of causing harm; a mistake that anyone might have made in similar circumstances.

taking control of your destiny

Is it an ego illusion, or is it actually constructive?

deciding not to be a victim

opting out of the victim/perpetrator model.

Supercharged Self-Healing, by RJ Spina

Subtitle: A Revolutionary Guide to Access High-Frequency States of Consciousness That Rejuvenate and Repair. The book "shares the unique seven-step healing system that he used to overcome chest-down paralysis and chronic illness."

The Way of Integrity: Finding the path to your true self, by Martha Beck

"In this book Beck presents a four-stage process that anyone can use to find integrity, and with it, a sense of purpose, emotional healing, and a life free of mental suffering." Request: It has thousands of good reviews on Amazon.

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Calibration of the book.

statement: life is meant to be enjoyed

Yes, but where does that get us? Answer: independence.

purpose / goal

Request: I feel lack of purpose and I’m wondering what is the loc of purpose/goal. Maybe it is not necessary in life?

deep relaxation / mindful breathing

Deep relaxation is sometimes known as “mindful breathing” because it focuses on purposeful, slow, calm breathing as a starting point -- wikihow.

Dianetics: The Modern Science Of Mental Health

Priority request: "With over 22,000,000 copies sold in 50 languages, and used in more than 176 nations, Dianetics brings dramatic and permanent improvement to people all over the world" -- amazon.

level: realizing life is not a competition

Priority request: So many of us think we have to compete for money, relationships, status, attention, and even love. It really seems like a massive ego pillar. With how deeply ingrained this idea of scarcity and lack seems to be, I wonder how high one would need to calibrate?