
servant of Christ

Request: At what level does one fully serve the Lord Jesus?

The Passion of the Christ (2004)

In Truth vs. Falsehood at 190 unedited and 395 edited. Here are the ADAP calibrations...

God's will is All there is

A contemplation that resolves in high awareness.

Christmas Day

"a religious and cultural celebration by billions of people around the world" -- wikipedia.

asking for God's mercy

a common practice among Christians.

Give Me An Answer with Stuart & Cliffe Knechtle (YouTube)

"Driven by a deep commitment to spreading the message of Jesus, we actively engage skeptics, empower truth-seekers, and offer meaningful responses to questions, doubts, and challenges concerning faith, reason, and the meaning of life." Priority request.


strict conformity or zealous adherence to the forms or beliefs of a church -- merriam-webster.

Bible study groups

Request: Been asked to participate in this a few times at campus and I wonder what the field of it might be.

We Who Wrestle With God, by Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson guides us through the ancient, foundational stories of the Western world, analyzing the Biblical accounts of rebellion, sacrifice, suffering and triumph that stabilize, inspire and unite us, culturally and psychologically -- amazon.

The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas à Kempis

a Christian devotional book first composed in Medieval Latin as De Imitatione Christi (c. 1418–1427) --vwikipedia.

"If this doesn't work out, then God has something better in store for you"

Priority request: I heard this in a lot of Christian communities in regards to prayer... a kind of redirect from God, who being omnipotent, knows what is best for us.


Calibration identifies it as an intellectual concept.

"You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body"

Request: Quote by C.S. Lewis. This reminded me of the teachings of Hawkins.

neti neti (not this, not that)

a Vedic analysis of negation which is used in Jnana Yoga as a path to Self-realization.

Amish lifestyle in US

"The Amish are best known for their plain clothing, most of it self-made, and nonconformist lifestyle" -- britannica.