

Truth vs. Falsehood: Gnostic gospels 400, Early Christianity Gnostics 510. "Many Gnostic texts deal not in concepts of sin and repentance, but with illusion and enlightenment... Early Church Fathers denounced them as heresy" -- wikipedia.

statement: animals were created so that man could eat them

A teleological statement widely believed in in some religious traditions. What is the level of truth?

8 calibrations re: Holy Spirit

Being resistant to, open to, listening to, inspired by, aligned with, or surrendered to the Holy Spirit. Also, letting the Holy Spirit run your life, and oneness with the Holy Spirit.

the Holy Spirit is what makes life livable

The Holy Spirit is the divine comfort and protection offered to us in this world. May it be your constant companion and source of direction. May it heal your psyche and divest you of all illusion.

I Died and Saw Jesus (YouTube video)

A near-death experiencer is interviewed.

accepting the Grace of God

Trusting in God’s generosity rather than relying on one’s own merits or behaviors. Priority request.

Ibn Arabi

12th century Arab scholar, Sufi mystic, poet, and philosopher, extremely influential within Islamic thought… His cosmological teachings became the dominant worldview in many parts of the Muslim world -- wikipedia.

"God moves in a mysterious way"

Priority request: God's actions are often not readily understood by humans, appearing inexplicable or unexpected, and sometimes even seemingly contradictory to our expectations, leaving people to trust in God's plan even when they can't fully grasp it.


Japanese Buddhist priest of the Kamakura period, who developed the teachings of Nichiren Buddhism, a branch school of Mahayana Buddhism.

“My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?”

Calibration of this mistranslation.

nam myoho renge kyo

A mantra central to Nichiren Buddhism. It is the title of the Lotus Sutra and is also used as a chant to connect individuals to their inner Buddha nature, helping them bring forth wisdom, compassion, and enlightenment -- Brave AI.

Soka Gakkai

Founded in 1930 in Tokyo, it's a relatively modern offshoot of Nichiren Buddhism.

"Get behind me, Satan"

'In the temptation of Jesus, in Matthew 4 and Luke 4:8, Jesus rebukes "the tempter"' -- wikipedia.

statement: God is not an individual

Anthropomorphic depictions are false.


"one-tenth part of something, paid as a contribution to a religious organization" -- wikipedia.