Solitude is the state of being alone -- But given its calibration it is evidently the state of being at One.
Request: “Isolation refers to the state of being separated or set apart from others, whether physically, emotionally, or socially” - Google AI.
loser mentality
The underpinning of self-defeating behavior.
fear of death
The level on the Map of Consciousness from 100 to 125 seems to be that of social fear, such as rejection or social humiliation. Fear of death is evolutionarily more fundamental.
The energy alignment by which one has a long life.
“very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way” - Oxford dictionary. Request: Often used in the context of relationships, e.g. a ‘toxic relationship.’
integrity is keeping your word
"We can honour our word in one of two ways: first, by
keeping our word, and on time as promised; or second, as soon as
we know that we won’t keep our word, we inform all parties
involved and clean up any mess that we’ve caused in their lives."
The source of cuteness.
light-bulb moment
A moment of sudden inspiration, revelation, or recognition -- request.
"pleased or content with what has been experienced or received" -- merriam-webster.
"the quality of being or feeling complete and not divided or damaged"
Request: It seems this is the a priori quality/illusion beyond all other illusions like fear, guilt etc. Asking on God's Power immediately resolves these negativities.
integrity is its own reward
Adhering to moral and ethical principles brings its own intrinsic benefits, even if it does not always lead to external recognition or rewards -- Brave AI.
Request: Someone who is emotionally stable, present-focused, and has a balanced outlook on life. Or mentally and emotionally stable : admirably sensible, realistic, and unpretentious.
Request: “If all is God, then to invalidate any part of it would be to invalidate God. Man, along with his expressions, being God’s creation, would least of all be invalidated by God.” — Healing and Recovery.