"an unwelcome, involuntary thought, image, or unpleasant idea that may become an obsession, is upsetting or distressing, and can feel difficult to manage or eliminate" -- wikipedia.
statement: life’s a collection of memories
Suggests that our experiences, emotions, and interactions shape who we are and define our lives. These memories, whether joyful, sorrowful, or mundane, are the building blocks of our personal histories -- Brave AI.
the (subjective) reality there is no reality
Not having any sense of what is true, real or good and the utter lack of a foundation upon which a reality could be based.
misandry (man-hating), misogyny (woman-hating)
"misogeny" is calibrated at 160 (awareness) in Truth vs. Falsehood.
"the conscious process of pushing unwanted, anxiety-provoking thoughts, memories, emotions, fantasies and desires out of awareness" -- scientificamerican.
Sigmund Freud
Neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis.
We Who Wrestle With God, by Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson guides us through the ancient, foundational stories of the Western world, analyzing the Biblical accounts of rebellion, sacrifice, suffering and triumph that stabilize, inspire and unite us, culturally and psychologically -- amazon.
"Something that is an entity exists, and if you are considered a nonentity, you might as well not exist" -- vocabulary.com. The spiritual ramifications of holding someone in mind as a nonentity are significant.
On Life After Death, by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Essays discuss the meaning of life and death, the existence of life after death, and coping with the death of a parent -- goodreads.
positive procrastination: a spiritual tool
Immediately halt the ego's victim mentality and involvement with suffering by saying "I'll be oppressed later, now is not a good time." Turns out, there's never a good time to feel oppressed, in spite of the ego's attachment to resentment and its predilection for suffering. In time, these fade away.
Positive Psychology
A reaction against past practices that tended to focus on mental illness and emphasized maladaptive behavior and negative thinking. It builds on the humanistic movement of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, which encourages an emphasis on happiness, well-being, and purpose -- wikipedia.
seeking external validation of one’s emotions
excessive reliance on external validation can lead to an unhealthy dependence on others for emotional well-being -- Brave AI.
childhood trauma
these might include neglect, abandonment, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and physical abuse, witnessing abuse of a sibling or parent, or having a mentally ill parent -- wikipedia.
internet addiction
Request: Seems to be a common affliction in today's society... Particularly among the younger generation.
glamour effect
Request: understood as projection of qualities like: luxurious, stylish, fashionable, special on something/someone.