

a self-destructive pattern.

"it's a matter of perception" (3 calibrations)

All constructive communication starts with this acknowledgement. Post includes a calibration of correcting "misperception," which is shown to be a subtle error, and "listening to hear and understand."

anterograde amnesia

Depicted in the movie "50 First Dates," it is "the inability to create new memories after an event that caused amnesia, leading to a partial or complete inability to recall the recent past, while long-term memories from before the event remain intact" -- wikipedia.

mind running involuntarily

Also calibrated regarding crypto and stock markets.

Remarkable Healings: Unsuspected Roots of Mental and Physical Illness

"Patients, under hypnosis, claimed to have spirits attached to their bodies and energy fields, creating psychological and physical problems... Dr. Modi describes techniques that release these spirits, revealing how patients can sometimes recover within a few sessions" -- amazon.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

Request: presents a process for communicating with empathy, honesty, and clarity. It aims to promote mutual understanding and peaceful resolution in personal and professional relationships.

delusions of grandeur

"characterized by extraordinary belief that one is famous, omnipotent, wealthy, or otherwise very powerful. Grandiose delusions often have a religious, science fictional, or supernatural theme" -- wikipedia.

Enneagram (personality typing)

Listed at 390 in Truth vs. Falsehood. By request.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator

"The test attempts to assign four categories: introversion or extraversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, judging or perceiving" -- wikipedia.

anxiety is an aversion to fear

Request: Could it be that the someone experiences ‘anxiety’ because there’s an aversion to confront fear? Seems paradoxical that the experience of anxiety is rooted in a resistance to experiencing it! Is there any Truth in this?

Thinking, Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman

Priority request. Daniel Kahneman, world-famous psychologist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think -- amazon.

sublimation (psychology)

"a mature type of defense mechanism, in which socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are transformed into socially acceptable actions or behavior, possibly resulting in a long-term conversion of the initial impulse" – wikipedia


A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence -- wiktionary.


Request: Doc had a few different calibrations over the years, I think I saw 60, 50, 120, etc. Curious about the ADAP result for the "nothing matters" philosophy.

The Awareness Code

Request: It is a map of consciousness inspired by Hawkins'... It has 10 levels, [which] each in turn have 10 states within them, totaling 100 ‘tiles‘ in total. It is currently being used with several publicly listed companies, as well as several federal politicians in various countries.