
Kamala Harris

Presumptive Democratic nominee for US President, 2024.

Donald Trump

His opponents focus on his low-end range, his boosters on the high-end. Sensible people see a mixture of integrity and non-integrity, but where does it land overall? Calibration shows the current average.

Volodymyr Zelensky

"Ukrainian actor and comedian who was elected president of Ukraine in 2019. Although he was a political novice, Zelensky’s anti-corruption platform won him widespread support, and his significant online following translated into a solid electoral base" -- britannica.com.

Justin Trudeau

Canada's Prime Minister. "At one point, people are going to have to realize that maybe I know what I'm doing" -- Justin Trudeau.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO)

"His government instituted direct payments to tens of millions of Mexicans living below the poverty level, raised the minimum wage, and enacted labour reform... However, he proved to be more of a populist than a progressive" -- britannica.com.

Joe Biden

"January 6th and the lies about the 2020 election, and the plots to steal the election, posed the gravest threat to our democracy since the Civil War" -- Biden's 2024 State of the Union address. Interestingly, either political party could agree this, but for different reasons.

Kim Jong Un

"On paper, North Korea's enigmatic "Supreme Leader" has absolute control over the lives of the 25 million people living in his isolated, rusting state" -- forbes.com.

Xi Jinping

"The leader of the world's most populated country and second largest economy (GDP), Xi Jinping holds a firm grasp on China's only political party" -- forbes.com.

Vladimir Putin

cal. 190 in TvF. 'The Russian president has on numerous occasions presented himself as a staunch defender of the Christian faith from the “Satanic” West' -- standard.co.uk. This is evidently the inflation of Messianic narcissism, including psychological projection of his own corrupt motives.

Lai Ching-te (William Lai)

Priority request: new president of Taiwan. Is he integrous?

Nikki Haley

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and South Carolina Governor, possible Republican candidate for US President in 2024.

George Washington

1st President of the United States. He was calibrated for social impact at 455, in Truth vs. Falsehood.

Randi Weingarten

Leftist political activist and president of America's 2nd largest teachers union, the American Federation of Teachers.

Ho Chi Minh

Request: His forces resisted Japanese and French occupations, and his successors ultimately overran and defeated the western-backed Republic of Vietnam in the mid 1970s.

Was the Dalai Lama 'suck my tongue' incident simply poor judgement or a fall in LoC?

April 10, 2023: "His Holiness wishes to apologize to the boy and his family... for the hurt his words may have caused. His Holiness often teases people he meets in an innocent and playful way, even in public and before cameras. He regrets the incident." --dalailama.com