Free Tier

healthy boundaries

Part of integrity, whether for a person or a country.

Guarding Tess (1994)

Shirley MacLaine, Nicolas Cage. A former U.S. First Lady wants a particular Secret Service agent to head her bodyguard detail, even though he can't stand her -- imdb.

no one's judging you but yourself

Despite the inner experience of feeling judged.

deep dreamless sleep

Request: An ADAP range would be interesting here. There's no separate self present in deep sleep. Could it be likened to unconscious union with the Divine or is it just like unconsciousness?

Psalm 23

"THE LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want ..."

carnivore diet

When you skip the whole supermarket and go right for the meats. I guess there's some dairy in there, too.

leaving all behind (spiritual practice)

request: just leaving. All obligations, relationships etc.

mantra: I believe I am perfect in Christ

Jesus' grace makes me perfect in Him.

Northern Exposure (TV Series 1990–1995)

Comedy-drama. "In the show Rob Morrow played New York City native Joel Fleischman, a recently graduated physician who is obligated to practice in Anchorage, Alaska, for several years to repay the state of Alaska for underwriting his medical education" -- wikipedia.

article: order is the proper response to chaos or control

The critical point of 200 is described as the threshold between integrity and non-integrity. It can also be described as the threshold between order and chaos. Order is the over-200 version of control.

chaos vs. control (article)

The ego is an agent of chaos and the spiritualized ego is an agent of control. Yet they actually belong to the same attractor. Each is but one side of an identical, dualistic attractor field. Because they're the same field, the karma of control is chaos, and the karma of chaos is control.

Encyclopedia of Ailments and Diseases, by Jacques Martel

Uncovers the conflicted conscious or unconscious feelings, thoughts, and emotions at the root of nearly 900 ailments and diseases -- barnesandnoble.

Recall Healing

"... not a panacea and does not pretend to make miracles; but when this work with Recall Healing is well done, it helps the person to 'shift' toward a new viewpoint which contributes to optimize the healing process" --

military officer

Calibrated as an occupation.

"There are no negative feelings"

Priority request: one would have to first recognize them as illusion. Instead, this statement is more used like wishy washy, relativistic pop-psych advice that validates base level rage and grief (or any EC activity) and then permits them to run rampant in the psyche.