Many geniuses were known for taking long walks during the day. So there must be something to it, I think -- by request.
By request. "A puzzle video game created in 1985 by Alexey Pajitnov, a Soviet software engineer" -- wikipedia.
having sympathy for the devil
Request: or evil in general.
"Divinity emanates as consciousness/awareness”
Request: From Discovery of the Presence of God, page 37.
"enjoy it while it lasts"
Request: This phrase has been useful for applying the context of "this too shall pass." Although "enjoy it while it lasts" may have the connotation of nostalgia, it motivates my mind to stay focused in the present when it doesn't want to.
The Satanic Bible, by Anton Szandor Lavey
By request. "With a clear-eyed appreciation of true human nature, a love of ritual and pageantry, and a flair for mockery, LaVey's Satanic Bible promulgated a gospel of self-indulgence that, he argued, anyone who dispassionately considered the facts would embrace" -- wikipedia.
Request: “If all is God, then to invalidate any part of it would be to invalidate God. Man, along with his expressions, being God’s creation, would least of all be invalidated by God.” — Healing and Recovery.
"Saints" is at 550 in Truth vs. Falsehood.
every being plays an important role in the unfolding of creation
Request: I’ve serious contemplated and wished for non-existence. Do I play an important or even vital role in this world?
God box
Writing a worry / concern / desire / situation / issue on a slip of paper, and putting it into a box, and saying Dear Lord, I turn this over to thee -- request.
dopamine fasting
"a form of digital detox, involving temporarily abstaining from addictive technologies such as social media, listening to music on technological platforms, and Internet gaming, and can be extended to temporary deprivation of social interaction and eating" -- wikipedia.
mantra: this is not important
Request: I feel like the ego presumes more importance about things than what is actual. It could also be good to calibrate "this is not the meaning" since importance arises from meaning.
relying only on God's Will for future plans
At what LoC does this become a way of life? -- request.
You Were Never Broken: Poems to Save Your Life, by Jeff Foster
Poems for accepting all that you are--including those parts of yourself that you wish you could disown -- amazon.
"A slave dreams not of freedom, but of his own slaves"