
viewing the world as broken

Priority request: I see a lot of people operating under the context that the world is broken. To me, it's the opposite. We live in the safest time in the history of mankind and have access to conveniences… that would have been considered magic just a few decades ago.


Priority request: Doc stated in a video that the source of stress is within ourselves and not out in the world. There is no escaping stress in the world for it is self-created. Relief occurs from understanding its true cause. What is exhilarating to one person is debilitating to another.

longing for a romantic relationship

Request: Curious if this feeling... is God pushing me to be with someone or simply a posture of desire.

statement: to be feminine is to be vulnerable

Request: a recurring thought that doesn't feel right… as a result I behave more masculinely and dominantly.

feeling of being deceived by God

Request: e.g. God didn't give you what you worked for in life, what you deserve.

feeling offended

In Truth vs. Falsehood, "offended" is calibrated at 180. In this case, we're honing in on the energy of the feeling, rather than the perception of offense.


Calibrated as an emotion.

feeling stuck in life

Source of the feeling. Calibrated by request.

feminine control vs. masculine control

Control is categorically under 200, but strategies differ. Men and women may use either a masculine or a feminine approach to control. The strategies are not exclusive to each sex.

feeling pressured to do something you don't want to do

Priority request.

crying from the beauty of life, how wonderful life is

By request.

feeling like God is mad at you

Priority request: Is it fear of God? Or maybe guilt and the expectation of punishment? Or projected anger? It comes over me often lately.

level: feelings / instincts are the source of life

Request: “But if my body tells me I’m hungry and I don’t eat I’ll die!”

feeling constrained by having parents

Request: Is it nonintegrous to feel like one can't live truly freely because one's parents are alive, monitor one's life and place expectations on one?


Emotion referring to the thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and envy over relative lack of possessions, status or something of great personal value -- wikipedia.