Dr. Hawkins

"the most dangerous thing on the planet is the spiritualized ego"

Priority request: said by Dr. Hawkins in the April 2004 lecture.

T/F: reading Doc's books raises your level of consciousness

Also calibrated: average LoC increase.

"Mistakes are the natural, impersonal consequence of learning and development and therefore unavoidable"

Request: Dr. Hawkins statement from TLC in the chapter on guilt.

"There is no past , present or now. There is only foreverness"

Request: This is a quote from David Hawkins. I'm not sure if it's verbatim. Could you also calibrate foreverness itself?

"Divinity emanates as consciousness/awareness”

Request: From Discovery of the Presence of God, page 37.

The Letting Go Deck: 44 Inspirational Cards to Experience the Power of Surrender

This deck features beautiful artwork and inspirational messages drawn from Dr. Hawkins's famous work. Users will learn how to work with painful emotions, such as fear and resentment, and gain greater self-awareness -- amazon.

T/F: David R. Hawkins energy is 100 % as available as when he was in a physical body

Request: when Doc was alive I would feel saturated with his energy while listening to the lectures but now I don't feel that intensity as much anymore.

"spiritual progress is the result of God's grace and not the result of one's personal endeavors"

Request: [quote] from The Eye of the I, by David R. Hawkins.

Dr. David Hawkins: The Final Doorway (video)

“locate that within yourself now when you don’t need it because final moment arises unannounced,” “unless the fear of absolute death arises that isn’t the final door,” etc.

Dr. David R. Hawkins: The Direct Way to God (YouTube video)

Request: Calibration of the video where doc talks about the way to enlightenment.

Dr. Hawkins' lectures paywall barrier

Request: It makes me sad that my little sisters aren't seeing Dr. Hawkins on TikTok and social media because all of the work is copyrighted. Even though a 30-second clip on TikTok could be taken out of context, to me it still seems better than "they/them" on there spreading narcissism

Just Before You Think a Thought - David R. Hawkins

Calibration of a 3 minute 43 second clip from one of Doc's lectures.

hanging a photo of David R. Hawkins in your house

Request: Hawkins said that energy could be transmitted trough a photo or statue of the teacher. I wonder what the effect of his own photo would be.

David R. Hawkins is the second coming of Christ

Priority request. While Christianity looks for a specific version of Christ's return to the human realm, it nevertheless occurs in various ways outside of the Christian paradigm, as God's mercy is offered independently of religious affiliation.

all answers to "why" are inherently wrong

“We have already seen that there is in fact no 'why' about anything, and in fact you cannot answer any 'why' and still be in reality" -- I: Reality & Subjectivity