T/F: re-calibration changes the level of the topic
Request: when a subject is calibrated multiple times, this re-addressing may contribute to a change in calibration. Pg. 292, Power vs. Force.
"Nothing is as it can be described..."
"...therefore, all descriptions are what a thing is not" -- Dr. Hawkins, The Eye of the I. Priority request.
Just Before You Think a Thought - David R. Hawkins
Calibration of a 3 minute 43 second clip from one of Doc's lectures.
"There are no accidents and nothing is random"
Priority request: This is something Doc said, often in conjunction with the idea that all is unfolding in karmic perfection and synchronicity. Aligning with this certainly helps alleviate the victim mentality.
what would Doc do?
Calibration of what Doc would do.
hanging a photo of David R. Hawkins in your house
Request: Hawkins said that energy could be transmitted through a photo or statue of the teacher. I wonder what the effect of his own photo would be.
The Map of Consciousness Explained, by David R. Hawkins
A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential.
discovering Doc's work
Priority request: Seems to be life changing for most of us.
"Statistics are no substitute for truth…
…and in the complexity of bio-behavioral phenomena, proximal antecedents can too easily become classified as ostensible causes" -- Pg. 145 POWER vs. FORCE. Priority request.
"spiritual progress is the result of God's grace and not the result of one's personal endeavors"
Request: [quote] from The Eye of the I, by David R. Hawkins.
deciding that all ‘bad’ feelings are fallacious and faulty habits of the mind
Request: From Ch 13 DPG - “Q: How does one overcome the apprehension about ‘bad feelings’ arising consequent to looking within oneself?” “A: Decide that all ‘bad’ feelings are fallacious and faulty habits of the mind.”
“To live with care and kindness is all that is necessary..."
"The rest reveals itself in due time” -- Power vs. Force.
Life with Doc: My Husband & My Teacher, Dr. David R. Hawkins
Susan was "was his closest collaborator, and he was never on stage without her. Her book is full of humor and heart as she tells story upon story of their experiences at home and on the road" -- amazon.
Beyond Illusion, by David R. Hawkins
Exploring Perception, Ego, and Meditation on the Path to Truth. To be released April 29, 2025. Based on The Way to God lecture series.
“You can just be what you are and relax into it”
Request: Quote from a clip of Doc. Request is calibration of the clip and if it serves, the quote as well.