
level of the highest good to create Consciousness Calibration Database

i.e. the level of service to mankind.

value of ADAP calibration

Effectiveness to describe essence in one number. Research indicates default calibration specifically measures awareness where it is most pronounced, which, leaving out other points of observation (like intention or capability) and other dimensions, may not perfectly represent the topic.

Doc's calibration tested for awareness / motivation in the relevant dimension

Current research into the nature of consciousness calibration reveals Doc's revolutionary and relevatory calibration technique to be a starting point rather than all there is to know about querying the substrate of all existence.

anyone over 200 is able to calibrate accurately

Accuracy is a higher threshold than the minimum qualification.

level: that which teaches you can't calibrate

The negative field that rejects consciousness calibration in general and specifically casts doubt on one's own ability to produce workable results.

T/F: intuition makes consciousness calibration results less accurate

Request: during calibration I’ve noticed that sometimes some intuition/feeling arise and I’m wondering is it a sign of doubts of the ego and has effect on the final result.

Why your Level of Consciousness moves around

A 3200-word article explaining the non-linear evolution of consciousness through four points of observation which correspond to calibration types.

breath testing (calibration technique)

Request: Like with muscle testing, it seems that when truth is held, it is easier to breathe and with falsehood the breathing becomes labored or even stops in certain cases. Is this a valid way to test for truth?

having one’s LoC calibrated

Priority request: I have no idea what my personal LoC is. I pray I am at 200. As a spiritual student of Doc and Brian Gibbs, I am wondering if it is to the highest good to know my personal calibration so I can measure progress (or lack of) over time?

statement: calibrations appear as contradictions to linear causality

At 500 and above calibrations can be seen in their proper context -- priority request

enigmatic calibrations in Truth vs. Falsehood

Zero-temperature weather, a dog's wagging tail, Adolf Hitler, machine-made bread, and Playboy magazine, each tested in all-dimensions and contrasted with the result in TvF.

note: on consciousness calibration types

The standard Dimension of Relevance (DR) calibration compared to the All Dimensions (AD) calibration

supplication is egoless, cal. 595

With this high calibration, we see the nature of supplication; we see the ego is not doing it.

energy requirement for consciousness calibration

As calibration tests the presence of energy, there is an energy requirement. What is the minimum level or threshold by which consciousness calibration is operable?

Map of Spiritual Progress

A key for understanding consciousness calibration results.