By request

zazen, shikantaza meditation

Styles of Zen meditation.

love contains reason vs. love bypasses reason

Request: Love is not stupid.

"We don't lose our loved ones, we gain them"

Request: I feel closer to relatives after their death.

Fall On Me - Andrea Bocelli, Matteo Bocelli

"Anyone who is a parent, anyone who knows the precious responsibility of being a mother or a father, will fully grasp the meaning of this piece" -- Andrea Bocelli.

Lyme disease

Request: Many people currently suffer from Lyme disease and are often gaslit about it. Is Lyme disease a disease or a psychological manifestation of stress/anxiety?

"The magic you're looking for is in the work you're avoiding"

Request: Not magic as magical... I would assume in the meaning of the beauty and the wonders of life you expect are things that you would access if you go [beyond] your own limits?

carrying weapons for self-defense

Request: Legal ones. Fear? Not trusting God? Or perhaps self-love?


One who cries or complains easily or often -- merriam-webster. By request.

Enneagram (personality typing)

Listed at 390 in Truth vs. Falsehood. By request.

hiding one's weaknesses from others so they don't attack there

An underlying question is whether hiding one's weakness is deception (at 140). Request: [is this] fear or prudence?

larger than life

"describes someone or something that is exceptionally impressive, remarkable, or memorable, often in a way that seems almost too good or grand to be true" -- Brave AI.


Chain-smoking and smoking addiction are also calibrated.

mantra: I let God judge for me…

Priority request: Anytime there is a judgmental thought arising.

"The seer is also part of the mirage" - Maharaj

"[T]he entire manifestation is of the nature of a dream, or a mirage, but you interpret the rest of the manifestation as being a mirage and won't let go of the seer of the phenomenon. The seer is also part of the mirage." - Prior to Consciousness, pg. 114. Priority request.

level: experiencing the totality of the suffering of mankind

A being who does this accepts the role of savior for mankind. Also, did Buddha do this? Priority request.