By request

T/F: a Gospel of Q exists but has not been found

"an alleged written collection of primarily Jesus' sayings... Q is part of the common material found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke but not in the Gospel of Mark" - wikipedia. Priority request.

Ra Uru Hu (Alan Krakower)

"claimed that he developed the Human Design system following a mystical experience in 1987" -- wikipedia.

concept: pain-body

Request: How useful is Eckhart's teaching about the pain-body?

Holy Spirit's role

In Truth vs. Falsehood, the Holy Spirit as a aspect of God calibrates at infinity. The Holy Trinity calibrates at 945.

AA Third Step Prayer

“God, I offer myself to Thee—to build with me, and do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I’d help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life. May I do Thy will always!”

European Union Parliament

"The Members of the European Parliament are directly elected by voters in all Member States to represent people’s interests with regard to EU law-making and to make sure other EU institutions are working democratically."

statement: I am in no position to judge

Request: Not even myself. "We can see from the inherent complexity of even a simple act that only the omniscience of God would be capable of judging; thus arises the spiritual dictum, 'Judge not.'" -- I: Reality & Subjectivity.

Amma, the Hugging Saint

Mata Amritanandamayi calibrated as a spiritual teacher and for social impact

Winning the War in Your Mind, by Craig Groeschel

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. "Drawing upon Scripture and the latest findings of brain science, Groeschel lays out practical strategies that will free you from the grip of harmful, destructive thinking and enable you to live the life of joy and peace that God intends you to live" - amazon.

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise"

Priority request: Benjamin Franklin quote.


showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment; (of a person) natural and unaffected; innocent -- Oxford languages. Priority request.

12-step sponsorship engaged in as a duty

Priority request.

getting the opposite of what you prayed for

Priority request: What field alignment potentiates this?

The Evolution of Consciousness, by David R Hawkins

"Navigating the Levels of Awareness and Unlocking Spiritual Potential," to be released October 15, 2024. Priority request: This book comprises the transcribed lectures presented in March and April 2002.

loss of income

Aligning with this frequency results in loss of income.