

The reality-testing capability to be friends with anyone. Includes the ability to keep constructive and appropriate boundaries.


"Betrayal (as by a verbal attack against one not present) especially by a false friend" -- merriam-webster.

accommodating the spiritual ego of others

Letting them have the "win."


a self-destructive pattern.

giving up

Request: To cease making an effort; resign oneself to failure. Seems to be the ego's idea of what surrender is.

not wanting to get up in the morning

Request: What underlies this behavior?

finding the Consciousness Calibrations Database

Request: Pretty cool that we all just sorta stumbled upon this thing! What’s the attractor field that leads to the discovery?

carrying weapons for self-defense

Request: Legal ones. Fear? Not trusting God? Or perhaps self-love?


One who cries or complains easily or often -- merriam-webster. By request.

hiding one's weaknesses from others so they don't attack there

An underlying question is whether hiding one's weakness is deception (at 140). Request: [is this] fear or prudence?


"causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid" -- merriam-webster.

fear of missing out (FOMO)

"associated with a fear of regret, which may lead to concerns that one might miss an opportunity for social interaction, a novel experience, a memorable event, profitable investment or the comfort of those you love and who love you back" -- wikipedia.

saying to somebody: you are nobody, a loser

Request: I hear that in my life, and people treat me like that.

judging others by their past mistakes

Request: Most people have hidden negative past actions, but such secrets can eventually surface. Assuming they will be fully resolved may be unrealistic. Doc in "TtLoC" noted that unconditional love can impair judgment. How can we balance being non-judgmental with avoiding naivety?

sharing Doc's work with others

Request: Someone very kind introduced me to Doc and lent me their copy of 'Letting Go'. It felt very loving but they were scared of coming across as preachy... So what is the overall effect of sharing Doc's work? I hope to introduce others to Doc too.