Arts & Humanities

"poisoning the well"

"To commit a preemptive ad hominem (abusive) attack against an opponent. That is, to prime the audience with adverse information about the opponent from the start, in an attempt to make your claim more acceptable or discount the credibility of your opponent’s claim" --

fate (concept)

Priority request. "The development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power" -- merriam-webster.

Andy Warhol

A leading figure in the pop art movement, Warhol is considered one of the most important American artists of the second half of the 20th century. His works explore the relationship between artistic expression, advertising, and celebrity culture that flourished by the 1960s -- wikipedia.

statement: FDR policies doubled the length of the Great Depression

Historically, FDR is given credit for ending the Great Depression. However, recent scholarly research suggests "specific anti-competition and pro-labor measures that Roosevelt promoted and signed into law June 16, 1933" prolonged it.

economic limitarianism

"asserts that social improvement can be attained by the placement of a certain limit on personal wealth" -- wikipedia.

The Prince, by Machiavelli

Among the Great Books of the Western World (vol. 23), and calibrated at 440 (awareness) in Truth vs. Falsehood. The gulf between this and the ADAP result demonstrates the importance of including not only awareness but intention, capability and energy quality in the calibration protocol.

Machiavelli’s Advice For Nice Guys (The School of Life)

A misfire from The School of Life (YouTube channel) presenting Machiavellianism as clear-headed, albeit shrewd, truth. In fairness, the calibration is consistent with that of the video's cited work, The Prince. Priority request.

"the Patriarchy" (feminist concept)

"a system of relationships, beliefs, and values embedded in political, social, and economic systems that structure gender inequality between men and women" --

statement: parents' influence on children is only 10%, the rest is their karma

Request: Said by Doc during a video lecture (not verbatim).

Albert-László Barabási

Priority request: a network scientist, fascinated with a wide range of topics, from unveiling the structure of the brain to treating diseases using network medicine, from the emergence of success in art to how science really works.

marriage of art and science

Based on the calibration result, it is esthetically pleasing, applied technology that improves the material quality of human life. However, this marriage is neither art nor science when plotted on the map of consciousness.


Request: He was a key figure in the Hindu epic Mahabharata and Krishna spoke the Bhagavad Gita to him and he was able to see Krishna's true form.


"a nonhuman creature so ugly or monstrous as to frighten people" --

Plato’s tripartite theory of the soul

Plato divided the soul into three parts: the logistikon (reason), the thymoeides (spirit, which houses anger, as well as other emotions), and the epithymetikon (appetite or desire, which houses the desire for physical pleasures) -- wikipedia

benevolent dictatorship

Request: Doc said that Singapore, the highest calibrating country at that time, is a product of benevolent dictatorship. Generically, is it a viable form of government?