
statement: there are demons that weaponize truth

Priority request: i.e. truth without love.

correlation between level of consciousness and happiness

Request: At what level do they correlate?

percent of Hawkins' students under 200, 100

Projection of negative intention may occur in any spiritual or religious environment yet be difficult to discern, particularly due to the accepted correlation of energy with level of consciousness.

illusions per level: the 100s

The false-positive "radiance" of negative fields is experienced by lower mind perception as truthful virtuousness. The payoff of aligning with a negative field is this deception, whereby one lacks integrity yet experiences himself as "positive" and "integrous." Specific payoffs are outlined.

how to calibrate ADAP style

The difference with ADAP is the designation of the ADAP calibration mode.

article: what consciousness calibration measures

Points of observation Dr. Hawkins explicitly declared in the course of his consciousness research include intention, capability, and energy. These points of observation, along with awareness, are synthesized into a single result when declaring the ADAP protocol for consciousness research.

article: nature of force

Fields of consciousness have their own subjective "I," "me," "you" and "it." What we call "the ego" is innate to a field as content, not innate to the being as context. By aligning with a field–or having it forced on you by the intrusion of negativity–the sense of "I" or "me," or "you" shifts.

Hatha yoga

Hatha yoga is a branch of yoga that uses physical techniques to try to preserve and channel vital force or energy -- wikipedia.

social impact is the high-end of the ADAP range

A bonus feature of the ADAP calibration.

article: handling the spiritualized ego

The spiritualized ego does not want you to forgive yourself for anything, ever, for therein lies its power over you. Nor does it permit acceptance of your fallible, human nature which is prone to making mistakes in the trial-and-error "school of life."

article: is man innately sinful?

One may see himself as a source of negativity (rather than an impersonal field being the source) and actually accept it as the nature of reality. This positionality owns and embraces "sinful nature" as if it is innate to being human.

Why we need ADAP consciousness calibration

Truth vs. Falsehood lists the Koran at 700. It also reports 30% of its verses under 200. Do we then conclude level 700 can be maintained with up to 30% falsehood?

article: awareness under 200 is suffering

Your intention to not suffer and be in a higher context can't take effect until you remove your awareness, attention, and focus from the perceived problem. While you're motivated by the perverse, dark pull of negativity, there's no way out for you.

article: on forgiveness

When we stop taking perceived offenses personally, seeing the experience of negative "juice" for what it is, i.e. pain and suffering, the proclivity for the ego to usurp God's function comes to an end.

ADAP Map of Consciousness

For reference with ADAP calibrations.