
"I let Christ let go for me"

Request: I've found this helpful to deal with stuff I wasn't really able to let go of on my own.


Not the same as desire...

fact vs. data

There's an important difference. Also calibrated: information.

fatigue is the result of resisting love

An answer provided in Consciousness Calibrations Community.

T/F: Jesus resurrected in a physical body

Request: the Bible teaches that Thomas touched Jesus' wounds. In one lecture Doc mentioned that in his understanding the disciples saw Jesus' etheric body after his resurrection.

leaving the Community and Database...

"...and reverting to vanilla Doc's teachings" -- request.

refusing negativity

Letting go and refusing negativity are powerful but diametrical spiritual postures. Included: a short article of explanation.

feminine control vs. masculine control

Control is categorically under 200, but strategies differ. Men and women may use either a masculine or a feminine approach to control. The strategies are not exclusive to each sex.

the experiencer (spiritual concept)

That which makes illusion seem real.

"weight of the world," literally (article)

The expression denotes the burdens of life yet refers to an actual field of consciousness.

your responsibility as the witness (article)

God doesn't see the ego as real, and the ego doesn't see God as real. You're in the space in between, seeing each as real. So you're in the position of a "negotiator" who sees both "sides."

"There is no such thing as a person"

Request attributes the quote to Nisargadatta Maharaj.

mantra: this is for God to resolve, not the ego (article)

A spiritual practice to realize a higher energy that preemptively resolves problems at any level.

a negative field indicates karmic unreadiness for the flow of blessings (article)

With energy truly surrendered to God, we aren't exposed to pressure in local conditions, because God's blessings don't occur under forced conditions. We can't be simultaneously surrendered to God and inequitable to ourselves, "giving" energy that is actually being taken under false pretenses.

St. Paul (Saul of Tarsus)

Calibrated at 745 in Truth vs. Falsehood.