
your responsibility as the witness (article)

God doesn't see the ego as real, and the ego doesn't see God as real. You're in the space in between, seeing each as real. So you're in the position of a "negotiator" who sees both "sides."

"There is no such thing as a person"

Request attributes the quote to Nisargadatta Maharaj.

mantra: this is for God to resolve, not the ego (article)

A spiritual practice to realize a higher energy that preemptively resolves problems at any level.

a negative field indicates karmic unreadiness for the flow of blessings (article)

With energy truly surrendered to God, we aren't exposed to pressure in local conditions, because God's blessings don't occur under forced conditions. We can't be simultaneously surrendered to God and inequitable to ourselves, "giving" energy that is actually being taken under false pretenses.

St. Paul (Saul of Tarsus)

Calibrated at 745 in Truth vs. Falsehood.

clinical kinesiology

Calibrated at 600 (awareness of capability) in Truth vs. Falsehood.

inner astral plane (article)

The inner astral plane is the main focus of human endeavor. That makes sense with its designation as bardos, which has to do with selecting the circumstances of one's rebirth, but it can also be regarded as selecting the circumstances of one's life while in a body.

blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

The unforgivable sin.

statement: participation in a dualistic field consents to subjugation... the conditions of both sides of the duality. Request: Is this the right understanding of karma?

Brian Begin

Priority request: founder of FEARLESS. Brian helps students build levels of confidence that allow them to achieve success and connect with people. Personally his embodiment practices has helped me get out my head and helps me stay connected to what I am actually feeling.

reject condemnation (article)

Rejection and disapproval are in the level of courage, the "battleground" of keeping healthy boundaries intact. Doc calibrated disapproval at 240 in TvF. He contrasted "disapprove" with "condemn," assigning the former to "higher mind" and the latter to "ego mind."

article: order is the proper response to chaos or control

The critical point of 200 is described as the threshold between integrity and non-integrity. It can also be described as the threshold between order and chaos. Order is the over-200 version of control.

chaos vs. control (article)

The ego is an agent of chaos and the spiritualized ego is an agent of control. Yet they actually belong to the same attractor. Each is but one side of an identical, dualistic attractor field. Because they're the same field, the karma of control is chaos, and the karma of chaos is control.

ego non-reactivity

A spiritual practice in the mode of the witness.

foundational illusions, vol. 2 (9 calibrations)

More illusions confronted on the journey to enlightenment.