
Buddha statues in the home

can it bring peace, positive energy, good health and prosperity? By request.

helping others help themselves

the mere intent and commitment to generosity can stimulate neural change and make people happier -- psychologytoday.

waste of time

the devotion of time to a useless activity -- Wordnik.

playing video games

Request: As a generic activity, like "reading books" etc. Is there intrinsic negativity to it?


Increased frequency of sauna bathing is associated with a reduced risk of sudden cardiac death, cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality --wikipedia.

going to your happy place

to imagine a place that makes you feel calm and happy. It can be a physical location, activity, memory, or interest that brings one happiness -- BraveAI.

doing something with the intention to build good karma

Priority request. Considering spiritual impact in your decisions.

acting as a spiritual practice

In the context of facilitating personal growth and positive transformation, acting can be a very effective form of therapy.


Chain-smoking and smoking addiction are also calibrated.

donating money to charity

The power of spreading kindness with money

withholding a like on social media

Request: It's like the heart says YES, but the mind says NO.


"This is how most romantic/sexual relationships start out" -- request.

listening to positive affirmations every day

Request: Making a short list of positive affirmations such as "Everything is always working out for me," or "My life is ruled by order and harmony" then recording them and playing them on repeat for 10 minutes or so. Is this an effective way to use mantras and align with a positive field?

Hatha yoga

Hatha yoga is a branch of yoga that uses physical techniques to try to preserve and channel vital force or energy -- wikipedia.


Priority request. What percentage of the US Congress (House and Senate) is influenced by blackmail?