
reading the Consciousness Calibrations Database

"I find regularly reading the Consciousness Calibrations Database gives one a positive feeling and relieves anxiety. What does this activity calibrate at?"


A sacrament of admission to Christianity. Almost invariably involves the use of water and the Trinitarian invocation, “I baptize you: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” The candidate may be wholly or partly immersed in water.


"active participation in the growing of plants, and tends to be labor-intensive" -- wikipedia.

virtue signaling

Expression of a moral viewpoint with the intent of communicating good character -- wikipedia.

transcribing Doc lectures as a spiritual practice

Request: Typing out the things that Doc has said in his lectures. Sentence by sentence. Something I wanted to do before and now the idea came back into my mind. Is it worth doing as a spiritual practice?

"read the room" vs. "set the tone"

Leadership postures. Also calibrated: "lead from behind."

walking as contemplation

Many geniuses were known for taking long walks during the day. So there must be something to it, I think -- by request.


Request: dividing attention among several tasks with the goal of making progress on multiple fronts simultaneously.


Why do now when you can be angry about not having enough time later?

taking photos as a spiritual practice

Request: When I take photographs, I often feel like I'm truly focusing on the essence and beauty of that exact moment. I just wonder what's the calibration for doing it with spiritual intention.

non-interference (as a virtue)

By request: “Not to be confused with apathy.”


Italian for "caress," an intimacy-oriented approach to sexual intercourse.

statement: listening is love

It involves fully engaging with another person, showing them that their thoughts and feelings are valued and understood -- Brave AI.

talking to God like to a therapist

You share everything with God, out loud. All problems, doubts, fears, worries, desires, etc. The goal is not to get a response but rather a sense of knowing one has been heard, a sense of peace. There may be realizations, surrender, catharsis -- request.


Lower on the map than guilt or shame...