Latest Consciousness Calibration Results

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"put some respect on my name"

Heard this said in a video of a political rally speaker, and it didn't feel right. Apparently the phrase has been in the culture since 2016.

Tim Walz

Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for US president, has named Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota, as her running mate ahead of the November election --

mantra: I believe I am perfect in Christ

Jesus' grace makes me perfect in Him.

correcting transgender beliefs

Request: My 15yo sister says that she feels like a man. Is it better to affirm her beliefs or try to lead her in the direction of truth?

"Everything is perfect. Nothing has to change."

Quoting David R. Hawkins (according to the request).

Viktor Orban's July 27, 2024 lecture

Request: Struggling to discern if this is anti-West propaganda or an accurate analysis of the global situation today.

Northern Exposure (TV Series 1990–1995)

Comedy-drama. "In the show Rob Morrow played New York City native Joel Fleischman, a recently graduated physician who is obligated to practice in Anchorage, Alaska, for several years to repay the state of Alaska for underwriting his medical education" -- wikipedia.

Spin City (TV Series 1996–2002)

"the show is set in a fictionalized version of the New York City mayor's office, and originally starred Michael J. Fox as Mike Flaherty, the Deputy Mayor of New York" -- wikipedia.

level: peace through strength

"suggests that military power can help preserve peace. It has been used by many leaders from Roman Emperor Hadrian in the second century AD to former US President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s" -- wikipedia. It is also useful on a personal level.

article: order is the proper response to chaos or control

The critical point of 200 is described as the threshold between integrity and non-integrity. It can also be described as the threshold between order and chaos. Order is the over-200 version of control.

Eagles (band)

Their Greatest Hits (1971–1975) released in 1976 is the best-selling album in the United States, ahead of Michael Jackson's Thriller and the Eagles' (again) Hotel California -- wikipedia.

Queen (band)

"Their earliest works were influenced by progressive rock, hard rock, and heavy metal, but the band gradually ventured into more conventional and radio-friendly works by incorporating further styles, such as arena rock and pop rock" -- wikipedia.

"glutton for punishment"

a person who is always eager to undertake hard or unpleasant tasks — request.

chaos vs. control (article)

The ego is an agent of chaos and the spiritualized ego is an agent of control. Yet they actually belong to the same attractor. Each is but one side of an identical, dualistic attractor field. Because they're the same field, the karma of control is chaos, and the karma of chaos is control.

"Picture life exactly as you'd like it to be..."

"...then let go of all the blocks to it being that way." Priority request: Doc said this at the start of one lecture right after saying "nothing is causing anything" (which he always said). It surprised me when he said it because it sounds very law of attraction-y to me.