Calibration of concept by David R. Hawkins in “Realizing the Root of Consciousness: Meditative and Contemplative Techniques” June 2002 DVD, Disc 1.
omnivore diet
Request: With all these specific diets existing, i wonder whether just eating a diet without restrictions is more viable than some of these restraining diets. Cheers!
Request: I've noticed this as a growing social trend. people baling on plans or commitments with no sincere reason.
"Everything is a gift from God" - David R. Hawkins
Request: Difficult situations? Betrayal? Accident? etc. All situations, all things, all is a gift from God? At what level is this true?
not voting
Request: Even if there is election integrity, which is not a given, it is highly unlikely that one vote out of millions will make a difference – and you'll end up having spent your free time for no reason. Or is this faulty reasoning?
"your only responsibility is to love"
Let God handle the outcome.
contemplation: "Why am I doing this to myself?"
Priority request: This was recommended by Brian on the forum as a way to dismiss experiential suffering as an illusion. "You don't need an answer. The question is enough to call out the absurdity of it."
a pure heart
Request: I feel like Enlightenment might be an overwhelming goal for someone who's not sufficiently evolved spiritually, and maybe aiming for purity of heart (which is suspect is around LoC 540) is a more realistic and practical goal for this lifetime.
Yin/Yang Tai Chi symbol
"seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another" -- wikipedia.
T/F: the ego exists
A core question for spiritual seekers.
mantra: I forgive myself for everything
Request: I said this in a moment of tiredness of guilt and suffering.
realm of "clockwork elves" entities on DMT
When people consume enough DMT... to have a “breakthrough” experience, they often encounter beings, commonly referred to as “elves,” who seem to be autonomous. Some people are convinced these beings exist in a reality that is separate or invisible from our own --
Vipassana meditation
"to see things as they really are... observing your thoughts and emotions as they are, without judging or dwelling on them" --
by request: "Self-Havening practice to reduce anxiety, enhance wellbeing, and develop compassion and loving-kindness."
feeling pressured to do something you don't want to do