

request: maybe somewhere between fear and terror?

smoker's cough

a persistent cough that results from damage to the airways caused by toxins in cigarette smoke -- verywellhealth.com

mantra: Christ is my authority

request: might be helpful to resolve crown chakra stuff

statement: what I am is innocent regardless of what I think I am

request: or identify as. Because all fields are innocent

leaving all behind (spiritual practice)

request: just leaving. All obligations, relationships etc.

Khanda (Sikh symbol)

"It consists of three weapons and a circle: the khanda, two kirpans and the chakkar which is a sharp circular throwing weapon" -- wikipedia

bardo (Buddhism)

What is it like, this "state of existence intermediate between two lives on earth"?

deciding to stop picking fights

request: gateway to neutrality?


request: yee-haw!

“It’s enough to just exist”

request: you don’t have to do anything all the time

wind chimes

"a decorative arrangement of pieces of metal or glass or pottery that hang together loosely so the wind can cause them to tinkle" -- vocabulary.com

Anima Christi (song)

Soul of Christ, sanctify me / Body of Christ, save me / Blood of Christ, intoxicate me / Water of Christ's side, wash me

abdicating one’s power

request: also, what is a good way to mitigate this? It often occurs to me, that even by fighting to reclaim it you have already bought the premise that your power is vulnerable?

hallelujah / alleluia

"a phrase in Christianity used to give praise to God" -- wikipedia.org

sunk-cost fallacy

"the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial" -- Google dictionary