
"you win some, you lose some"

say this when you have not succeeded, to show that you are not discouraged --idioms.thefreedictionary.com

"think twice"

to think seriously about whether one really wants to do something before doing it --merriam-webster.com

“the squeaky wheel gets the grease”

the idea that the most noticeable (or loudest) problems are the ones most likely to get attention --wikipedia

"the less said, the better"

used to say it is better to not say anything about something because it is bad, unpleasant, etc. --merriam-webster.com

too good to be true

seems better than you had expected, and you think there may be something wrong with it that you have not noticed --collinsdictionary.com

"fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me"

Fake "wisdom." Self-shaming isn't productive.

"the pursuit of truth is an end undertaken for its own sake"

The mantra of excellence...

let it be easy (attitude)

Sometimes we get "locked into" an attitude or mental posture that makes / believes things harder than they have to be. We can snap out of that with this decision.

"you get what you pay for"

"used to say that a thing that can be bought for a very low price probably isn't very good" -- merriam-webster.com

"Whoever compels you to carry a burden for a mile, go with him two."

Matthew 5:41 (Lamsa Bible)

"time heals all wounds"

"used to say that feelings of sadness, disappointment, etc., gradually go away as time passes." -- merriam-webster.com

"it's great to be alive"

calibration of the saying

"nice guys finish last"

Actually, "kind, emotionally sensitive, and caring about others—holds great appeal" --from linked article

“whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, you should stop and reflect”

Attributed to Mark Twain

"So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart"

Attributed to Tecumesh, Native American Shawnee leader (1768-1813)