
"Every great change is preceded by chaos"

How useful is this quote from Deepak Chopra?

too much of a good thing

Yes, it's possible, and this is the calibration...

"One good deed a day"

Request: What if one sets this basic standard?

"Leap, and a net will appear."

Quote from John Burroughs

"damned if you do, damned if you don't"

Level the statement is subjectively true and experiential. Happens to be the level of politicians.

like goes to like

A concept mentioned in Letting Go, page 78:

"Take a vacation from your problems"

prescribed advice from Dr. Leo Marvin to Bob Wiley --request

"hindsight is 20/20"

looking back at a situation or an event and having a clearer understanding of it and how things could have been done better --request

"actions speak louder than words"

1. It is more effective to act directly than to speak of action. 2. A person’s actions indicate their true sentiments more reliably than their claims do —wiktionary.org

“Every day is judgement day”

An intellectual understanding of karma and its immediacy, though not an equivalent expression for absolute cosmic justice, which is not subject to time periods.

"I am my own worst enemy"

Realizing the ego is the source of suffering and self-defeating behavior.

"existence is forever"

Contemplate this 🙏

“Less is more”

Calibration of this saying

silence is consent

Request: The idea that if you don't disagree, you automatically agree. Keeping quiet is the same as giving permission.

"follow your heart but take your brain with you"

Calibrated by request