
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" (article)

Good intentions do not lead to hell, neither do good motivations. The "tricky" part is good motivation mixed with negative intention, e.g. an initial focus on problem solving yet with the overall objective of gaining power or control.

"What is meant for you will not pass you by"

Deep spiritual acceptance here.

"don't spoil it with thinking"

As spiritual students, we know thinking is overrated, but how much so?

"Never give up on your dreams"

Request: Typical self help/success advice, often used by celebrities and successful people to encourage others who wish to travel in their footsteps. It is usually taken to be inspiring. However, it is also sometimes seen as cheesy and impractical.

"You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try."

Attributed to Beverly Sills. By request.

work smart, not hard

Hard work is at 200. Intellect is at 400.

"We don't lose our loved ones, we gain them"

Request: I feel closer to relatives after their death.

"believe in yourself"

Request: It seems belief is illusion and the separate self is as well, yet the statement feels empowering as one transcends what were previously thought to be limitations.

"by their fruits, ye shall know them"

"the character and nature of a person or thing can be judged by their actions and the results of those actions" -- brave AI.

"The less you want, the richer you are"

Priority request: This is a quote attributed to Yanni. It basically just suggests that the issue of lack is created by desire and is an illusion or a projection rather than a reality.

“If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”

Part of one's spiritual foundation and assuming responsibility for one's words.

"keep it light"

A positive context and philosophy for life that is protective of the mind spiraling into dark thoughts and moods, it is a way of being consistent with the spiritual admonition "don't go there" regarding under-200 subjective realities.

"Right is right even if no one is doing it..."

"Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it" -- St. Augustine.

"Faith without reason leads to superstition..."

"...Reason without faith leads to nihilism and relativism" -- Pope John Paul II in his encyclical Fides et ratio (Faith and Reason). Priority request.

"Every end is a new beginning"

Level at which this is experientially true and most relevant.