
"repetitio est mater studiorum"

Latin: Repetition is the mother of learning.

"God moves in a mysterious way"

Priority request: God's actions are often not readily understood by humans, appearing inexplicable or unexpected, and sometimes even seemingly contradictory to our expectations, leaving people to trust in God's plan even when they can't fully grasp it.

"sleep on it"

"to think more about something overnight and make a decision about it later" --merriam-webster.

happiness is a choice

When in doubt, choose happiness.

"what you focus on expands"

Request: the more attention and energy you give to something, the more it will grow and become a larger part of your life.

kill two birds with one stone

to solve two problems with one single action -- request.

"ears are burning"

Priority request: the expression which usually connotes a certain level of discomfort with the idea that you are being talked about "behind your back." Level of intuition or paranoia? Or perhaps somewhere in the middle?

“everything is going to be okay”

In the immediate sense vs. in the ultimate sense.

"It takes years of hard work to become an overnight success."

Seems to be a weighted average of higher mind (275) and hard work (200).

"walk by faith, and not by sight"

Request: use of the consciousness calibration method is indicative of this.

"Gratitude don't pay the bills"

Request: Something my dad said. Seems kind of anti-spiritual but also kind of true?

"haters gonna hate"

Level of this street wisdom.

truth is power

Calibration of the statement.

"You don't get what you don't ask for"

Priority request: used a lot in sales that sometimes the most important part of making a sale is simply asking for it.

"If this doesn't work out, then God has something better in store for you"

Priority request: I heard this in a lot of Christian communities in regards to prayer... a kind of redirect from God, who being omnipotent, knows what is best for us.