Performance by a Hungarian spiritual, world-music band in Budapest. Video embedded. By request. Thanks!
"Non-Violent Communication" as taught by Marshall Rosenberg
Priority request. See embedded video for a sample lecture. The principles taught are calibrated.
song: Day is Done by Nana Mouskouri
Do you ask why I'm sighing my son / You must inherit what mankind has done / In this world full of sorrow and woe / If you ask me why this is so I really don't know.
Om Namaha Shivaya
by Robert Gass and On Wings of Song. Video embedded.
Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World
The music of Louis Armstrong is at 590 in TvF.
Andrea Bocelli - Nelle Tue Mani (Now We Are Free)
Request: The most powerful voice I heard in this song. Probably peak of career of Andrea.
If Ye Love Me (music)
Energy of this piece by Thomas Tallis.
Andrea Bocelli & Shania Twain - From This Moment
Twain wrote the song during a soccer game in Italy more than 25 years ago. In this release, it's an Italian / English duet.
The Lion King soundtrack, This Land
Request: This music is probably in the 500s.
"Songs of Clear Light" devotional chants
Priority request: Last night Boris Grebenshchikov sang a few songs at a Krishna Das performance, and Boris's music moved the audience to tears
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
"He has authored two best-selling books and oversees the Tergar Meditation Community, an international network of Buddhist meditation centers." --wikipedia
Fall On Me - Andrea Bocelli, Matteo Bocelli
"Anyone who is a parent, anyone who knows the precious responsibility of being a mother or a father, will fully grasp the meaning of this piece" -- Andrea Bocelli.
O Ignis Spiritus Paracliti - Corey McKnight
"All praise to you, you who are the song of praise and the joy of life, you who are hope and the greatest treasure, bestowing the gift of Light" - Priority request.
Rocky Mountain High - John Denver
"Now he walks in quiet solitude, the forests and the streams / Seeking grace in every step he takes / His sight has turned inside himself to try and understand / The serenity of a clear blue mountain lake"
Joe Rogan podcast with Terrence Howard
Request: The most mind blowing podcast I've ever heard, and it's going to make waves in the world.